Indians & "Fair-Skin"

Topic started by caste-killer (@ on Tue Nov 4 09:25:08 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Why are Indians so anxious to describe themselves as having "fair-skin"? Since "fair" is not a color, would a so-called "fair-skinned" Indian please explain to me what color is "fair-skin" equal to? Also, why are Indians so anxious to describe themselves as "wheatish" color? Since "wheatish" is not a color, would a so-called "wheatish" Indian please explain to me what color is "wheatish" equal to? In my humble opinon these are just deceitful ways to negate your true color: Brown or Black. But because you hate yourself and would rather identify with your Caucasian/Aryan conquerers, Im sure you will disagree with me. Nevertheless please explain what your posistion is.


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