Jains and Budhhists spread untouchability
Topic started by Karuvayan (@ cs2417534-176.austin.rr.com) on Fri Jun 20 08:37:05 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Sun Jul 13 12:05:19 EDT 2003
//. 90% it spread by offering a chance to the lower castes of hinduism to have more rights than in hinduism. (please note, mr harishkumar, i said it gave only more rights, not all rights. that caste system followed them into islam is their misfortune) let us wake up before it is too late.
That I accept.That was repeatedly stressed by swami vivekananda.He said "No for heavens sake dont think all these conversions were brought by fire and sword.No.(0 % was brought due to low status of lower caste hindus"
SO you dont lecture me.The four fold dviison as enjoined by Manu gives the duty fo upper castes to protect the lower castes.Now if somebody does the exact opposite , that is , harrasment of lower caste or dalits , why are you blaming Manusmriti ???
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Sun Jul 13 12:08:34 EDT 2003
//and sword.No.(0 % was brought due to low status of lower caste hindus" //
Ought to read as :
and sword.No.90 % was brought due to low status of lower caste hindus"
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Sun Jul 13 12:10:35 EDT 2003
The atrocities against dalits are taking place bcos nobody is following the injunctions of Manu."Protect the weaker sections of the society".
The police do nothing and blame the brahmins and manusmriti.
- From: sursh (@ )
on: Sun Feb 29 13:42:58
Hinduism and brahminisation spreads untouchability and dravidians loved it after converting to hinduism
- From: mannang katti (@ cpe000d87502883-cm00003993d65b.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Wed Mar 3 04:59:02 EST 2004
Yes..low caste Kallans mis-treat sakkiliyans.
Mistreatment of other castes become a sign of superiority since the arrival of British.
- From: udaya (@
on: Sat Mar 6 07:05:26 EST 2004
Jainism made Toddy tappers,Fishermen and entertainment caste Salayars into a new untouchable group in Tamilnadu.Earlier to Jain time there were no such untouchable groups in the Tamil society.
- From: anti (@
on: Sat Mar 6 08:04:43 EST 2004
Untouchability was born out of Brahmin technology around 10th Cent A.D. Still Tamil jains are considered above brahmins and they are much cleaner and their food habits are far more refined that dirty brahmins of today.
Today brahmins fabric of untouchability doesn't hold much value among urbanites.
Brahmins are becoming more untouchable since they are jobless, hopeless and useless.
- From: mannang katty (@ wc09.ym.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Sun Mar 7 06:33:18 EST 2004
Who are the Jains?
What is their language?
You mean the Gujjus in Madras?
- From: Ramesh (@
on: Tue Mar 9 15:06:15 EST 2004
Mr Karthi (LKB) TOILET TATTI, your concept that Jainism belongs to only gujjus or northys but they adopted jainism only 600 years ago. Whereas Tamilians adopted Jainism as far as 3 rd Cent B.c. with available evidence. Jainism is original religion of Tamil dravids.
- From: Harish kumar (@ )
on: Sun Jun 13 06:57:08
This forum is total chaos and lost. There is nothing could stop people learning tamil culture from this forum.
- From: K.janarthan (@ cache218.156ce.maxonline.com.sg)
on: Mon Jun 21 02:26:14 EDT 2004
//why are you blaming Manusmriti ??? //
The manusmirthi offers harsh punishments for Sudras ,doing monior "error" , like hearing their vedas, they had to have moulten lead poured into their ears. This is sick, like the book.
- From: Pranavam (@
on: Mon Jun 21 11:00:49 EDT 2004
You cannot blame Hinduism for having shortfalls in some societies.
This is an oldest religion and no revised edition of books nor books for your convenience.
Casteism should be got rid of society. But Hinduism is not the cause.
Look at any society in indian subcontinents.
Look at shiites, sunnys, baluchis, upcountry sinhalese, himolachas, backwards
Hinduism is like your mother. You can modernize it like newer religions
See people still come to this forum in hindu names
becuase they cant forget thir ancestrYour ancestors were so intelligent that they understood clearly books and changed religion.
You praise your religion today, because of your parents were of same religion.
- From: TN (@
on: Mon Jun 21 11:26:42 EDT 2004
Breaking News::
Mannanng Katty is admitted to a psychiatric hospital
Doctors are looking for help from University Professionals
Students, Interns are not allowed inside
Allergic to:
Parippu (dhal)
First Aid:
Pounded Garlic
- From: Harish kumar (@
on: Mon Jun 21 17:13:08 EDT 2004
Mannanng thatty is real useless
I don't understand what he is writing about
- From: Harish kumar (@
on: Mon Jun 21 17:14:09 EDT 2004
Is he a srilankan simgala?
- From: Bright (@
on: Tue Jun 22 08:38:27 EDT 2004
hello friends,
karuvayan and gopalan
where you are from?
karuvayan, is vellala an OBC?
will meet again
- From: Liberal (@
on: Tue Jun 22 17:29:11 EDT 2004
Its amazing how the richness in one culture irks the people from other hybrid cultures
Go ahead. Its interesting
- From: trueman (@
on: Mon Jun 28 08:50:30 EDT 2004
Dravidins never had any relgion
They only had socials systems
Any thing to with religion always have come from outside and was adopted by Dravidians, be it Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam.
All religions came from outside.
The truth about any religion is, it exists in real form, only with the originator of the religion.
Rest of the people who follow the religion, change the religion according to their nature and environment.
So any religion that exists in Tamil Nadu is adopted form and not original.
- From: trueman (@
on: Mon Jun 28 08:51:07 EDT 2004
Even Varnasram never existed in Tamil Nadu.
The Brahmins who moved from North to South, called the natives as Sudras. If Varnasram really existed in Tamil Nadu, one should be able to say who is Kshakthriya, Vaisya and Sudra.
But none can ever say that
Can anyone belonging to any caste say which varnam he belongs to, in Tamil Nadu.
No. coz they do not know. becoz they didnt have it.
They can say their caste immediately.
coz it was there with them always.
- From: trueman (@
on: Mon Jun 28 08:51:34 EDT 2004
Another difference is only Name of Varnam is in Sanskrit. The names of castes r always in Tamil.
If Varanasram existed in Tamil Nadu too, the caste name should also must be in Sanskrit like in North India.
One more thing is, Brahmins r considered to go submissive.
How can submissive persons divide society?
Only the dominant people have done it.
So find out who dominated who, instead of blaming Brahmins.
According to Brahmins of Tamilnadu, there r only Brahmins and Non Brahmins.
Be it caste Hindus or Backward castes or MBC, or Sc/St, all r Sudras.
Varnasram does exist thru out the world
If u observe in other races, people do get divided according to their ability and nature.
It is all in nature
No need to feels sorry abuot it
If inferior tag is removed from Varnasram, the whole world will be ready to accept Varnasram.
- From: Liberal (@
on: Mon Jun 28 10:30:26 EDT 2004
At least you are not reading books from your culture
I agree with you
Marijuana should be legalized
- From: Vithya Sritharan (@
on: Mon Jun 28 15:23:54 EDT 2004
To me, Mr. mannanng katty is an old sinhalese person (posting here in different names)is trying
to make a rift between tamil christians, muslims, brahmins,indians and different extinct castes.
He has gone through his unfortunate life in Tamil Nadu, Jaffna and in India in general.
He is a pervert and helpless.
He is wasting time unless paid by somebody.(you know what I mean?)
- From: you know (@
on: Thu Jul 1 15:56:23 EDT 2004
untouchability and dalitism came to tamilnadu along with aryans,hindus and sanskrit.
It is conspiracy of Brahmins to keep everyone low for their survival and malpractices. Most of Dravidians were never Hindus which is religion of Aryans.
- From: Arul (@
on: Fri Jul 9 15:25:07 EDT 2004
It is true that Sangam or pre-sangam Tamils didnot have any religion. They only had the habit of erecting Nadukal for those warriors who met courageous deaths in war in defence of the community or the country. All our native gods like Madasamy, Periyasamy, Karuppasamy, Ayyanar and etc are actually none other than those ancestors. Tamilians from those days had the habit of sacrificing animals in memory of them and feed the people annually. The aryan brahmins who came after being thrashed in the North by Buddhists and jains for killing and sacrificing cows for yagnas this habit of Tamils came handy to revive their blood-thirsty tradition.
- From: Arul (@
on: Fri Jul 9 15:25:46 EDT 2004
But when buddhists and jains followed them here also they changed to pouring oil in the fire instead blood in order to protect them from humanist backlash. Then through all their crooked treacheries by concocting false stories of avatar concept telling that Madasamy is actually a son of siva and so on, and telling that many nayanmars belonged to lower castes(a Trademark Brahmin-RSS lie)they appropriated local figures and regained dominance. These stupid tamilians are still unable to find the cheating forged upon them as "hinduism" and "false hindu identity" even after knowing that Madasamy is known only in Tamilnadu. They have either no brain to question that how come northindians can be unaware of a son of siva if they r also hindus or they r simply lazy not bothering abt anything other than eating, fuc..g and sleeping!
- From: EARTHLYSAGE (@ )
on: Mon Aug 2 08:09:07
Madurai was a famous seat of Jains who had dwelled in rocky hills surrounding it. They have left some of the best sculptures of the tirtankaras and are delight to one's eyes. History says, they were killed enmasse by a Pandian king because he was not "crazy" after Jainism. This is a very important point of time in the history of Madurai. Though earlier Pandya kings were saivites, it is more likely that they had left these jains or their philosphies undisturbed until the advent of one crazy king. Fine, this story has some relevance. Hinduism can be split into two major categories 1) Little tradition 2) Greater tradition. Now, Maadasamy, Karuppasamy, Periyasamy, etc. belong to the little tradition. By little the idea is not to belittle these traditions. The term little is used because the philosphy behind these gods are simple and straightforward. Now, Siva, Vishnu, Vinayaka, Murugan, etc. belong to the greater trdition as the philosophy woven around them is a bit complex. Now a simple formula is: Gods those are blood-thirsty belong to little tradition and those who are not to the greater tradition. Hinduism is a collective name that is given to the beliefs or philosophies woven around innumerable number of gods. If you encounter any god who has is not a muslim, Christian, Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Jain, Jew, etc., there there is everylikelihood that he is a hindu. What was the religion of Gautama when he was born or before he found buddhism? What was that of Mahavira? Worshipping Madasamy is as important as worshipping Siva. Brahmins poured blood in yagna. Fine, now pouring ghee into fire is as good as the former.
- From: hello boss (@
on: Mon Aug 9 02:30:25 EDT 2004
even today around madurai jainism is worshipped in different form like m.r.samy (mahavir swamy) and munishwar perumal( jain muni) and ardh nageshwar( mahavir swamy)
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