Who are the first Hindus?
Topic started by Akshay (@ adsl-68-77-31-189.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net) on Sun Jun 29 18:45:05 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Does anyone know?
- Old responses
- From: lance (@ cpe0080c6e7053e-cm023080006621.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Sun Nov 16 15:57:05 EST 2003
who are the hindus??????? your father,grand father and great grand father and etc--- you mutt.
- From: lance (@ cpe0080c6e7053e-cm023080006621.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Sun Nov 16 15:58:32 EST 2003
who are the hindus??????? your father,grand father and great grand father and etc--- you mutt.
- From: Janar_the_great@msn.com (@ palo5.pacific.net.sg)
on: Sun Nov 16 22:32:04 EST 2003
O Mundane fools, clear you minds and seek the Lord's blessings. Why are you guys so narrow?
Seive only the goodness in everything and act according to His will
Who are the first Hindus? Those who had come to know that their soul is indifferent in Nature from God and those who believe that humans and animals have the same type of soul and those who are inquisitive in their minds and yet not clouding their minds with foolish dogmas and barriers and those who can learn to recognise that goodness is God and the bad is no Satan, but just a by-produst of ignorance and desire.
- From: lance (@ cpe0080c6e7053e-cm023080006621.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Mon Nov 17 18:14:56 EST 2003
can serve god,if it is true.
- From: shakti (@
on: Tue Nov 18 00:35:37 EST 2003
In spite of 'variations in dress, systems, attitudes, customes, rituals, due to our unique culture, we are bound to one another.'
The life-long dream of every Indian is to visit rameshwaram in south and Banaras in the north. Every Indians wants to take a dip in the ganga at banaras and wants to take a dip in the ganga to the south perform abisheka to lord ram at rameshwaram.such rituals help in binding the people together.
Hindu dharma is the one, which holds together the entire society. This is called dharana of
Swami says:"the Bharat cannot be killed.
deathless it stands and it will stand so long as that
spirit shall remain as the backgroud,so long as her
people do not give up spirituality.Beggers they may
remain,poor and poverty-sticken,dirt and squalor
may surround them but let them not give up their
god,let them not forget that they are children of sages".
Awaken hindu!
join with us
- From: tamilian (@ bbcache-14.singnet.com.sg)
on: Tue Nov 18 09:09:13 EST 2003
Lord lav.. rama and seetha are the first hindus.
Golmalkar came late.Anjaneya,Arjuna Golmalkar came latter.
- From: tamilian (@ bbcache-16.singnet.com.sg)
on: Tue Nov 18 10:19:31 EST 2003
Those who shoot Gandhi are the first hindus.
- From: Idiappam (@ cache138.156ce.maxonline.com.sg)
on: Tue Nov 18 13:12:26 EST 2003
//Lord lav.. rama and seetha are the first hindus.
Golmalkar came late.Anjaneya,Arjuna Golmalkar came latter.//
Ravana: oooooooi Rama!
- From: ARAVIND (@
on: Tue Nov 18 13:56:06 EST 2003
sanathan means enternal and dharma means laws .
the enternal laws are the devine
words of the god.The HINDU DARMA is the older of all
religions and is the first religion of mankind.
Hindu dharma is the mother of all religions in the world.
We beleive in one god-the parmeshvar. however,
we worship the three principal manifestations of god:
We beleive in one god-the parmeshvar.
however, we worship the three principal manifestations of god:
The letter of the word god can thus be taken
to remind us of the three.
we regard god to be omni present(sarva-vyapi),omnisient(sarvajnan).
prayer is the most powerful
There is only one God
And He is Omnipresent
There is only one nation,
- the nation of humanity
There is only on language,
- the language of the heart
Vedic prayers are echoued in the heart of every modernman.
May he muslim,cristian,jews etc…russian,american or chinese…._ of
Any caste,creed or religion.
Hindu is asking the almighty to lead him from the unreal to the real,
From darkness to light,from death to immortality.
- From: Idiappam (@ cache138.156ce.maxonline.com.sg)
on: Wed Nov 19 01:36:07 EST 2003
Aravind, thanks for your short discourse on Vedanta, a religion within the group of religions called Hinduism.
Vedanta is not accepted by Tamil Saivites and Vainavites!
- From: aravind (@
on: Thu Nov 20 01:57:19 EST 2003
Tamil Saivites
- From: Janarthanan (@ palo5.pacific.net.sg)
on: Thu Nov 20 05:11:35 EST 2003
although there are some beliefs that separates the Tamils from vedanta, references in the Thirumathiram
" Know the Jiva to be Siva" - thirumantiram
" Naanena Paadal antho Naa*yen" - Sundarar
" The hypocrites who praise their foul bodies never learn the truth the four Vedas know"
_ ThiruNyana Sambandar
an ' many more, but I'll look for more.
Also, one alwar ( Tamil Vaishnavaite saint) translated the four Vedas into tamil. This can be found in the Naalariya Divya prabandham.
Theories of creation in the Upainshad are higly symbolic, therefore, does not at all ,contradict Vedanta.
Idiappam, so what we tamil believe are indeed from vedanta
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