Hindi: Language of Our Proud Army
Topic started by Rohini (@ on Mon Dec 3 06:57:30 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Do you know that the common language of our armed froces is Hindi!
- Old responses
- From: onlooker. (@ dsl-201-128-123-186.prod-infinitum.com.mx)
on: Sun Feb 29 13:54:59
Hindi fever is catching up in Tamilnadu, every one is running in the rat race of learning hindi to achieve higher social status.
Tamil is going to become historical language without future existence.
- From: nadar (@ 82-36-139-53.cable.ubr02.perr.blueyonder.co.uk)
on: Tue Dec 7 16:55:18
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- From: davie (@ dell166a.utep.edu)
on: Tue Dec 7 17:27:05 EST 2004
rohini uneducated asol. :)
- From: truth (@ dialpool-210-214-192-72.maa.sify.net)
on: Thu Dec 9 04:51:16 EST 2004
thum log bohot jute bholtha hai yaar.
Kale log poora saale log
sala anti Hindi bholtha hai, fir bhi Hindi siktha hai.
Anti Hindu bholtha hai, fir bhi Hindu religion mei rehtha hai.
Ravan bholtha hai fir bhi hindu bholtha hai
St. Thomas ko maar daal tha hai fir bhi Christian bantha hai
Rajiv Gandhi ko maar daal tha hai fir be Congress mei rehtha hai.
Kya rey kuch principle nahi kya?
Brhamin sikne ki pehla sikna magntha hai.
Nahi tho unlog aage jayaga.
Brahman ko rukhane ke liye Anti Slogan chalu rak.
yeh hai nah thumarah principle.
Karo Karo, Kar Karke Maro, fir bhi jaldi maro.
- From: davie (@ cim-dell10.cim.utep.edu)
on: Thu Dec 9 11:05:59 EST 2004
now i know more about u truth.
the nice quote for you will be
sorry for the bad thamizh
- From: davie (@ cim-dell10.cim.utep.edu)
on: Thu Dec 9 11:08:29 EST 2004
- From: davie (@ cim-dell10.cim.utep.edu)
on: Sat Dec 18 11:03:59 EST 2004
im not gona become crazy and talk hindi.
hindi is fine as long as its within its limits.
We guys are so much into our thamizh that many thamizh people dont even bother to learn hindi.
- From: sinagporean (@ cache234.156ce.maxonline.com.sg)
on: Fri Dec 24 08:09:22 EST 2004
EMERGENCY! Singapore is sliding back as a civilised country as more and more north (hindi) speaking indians are coming to live here offering cheap services for less talent. Please do not come i beg you. Our forefathers, the chines, malays and (tamil and sikh)indians did npt strive hard for chappati eating lazy bums like you to enjoy life here. For how backward these hindi speaking people are, just go to Mustafa Center and see how they behave and shout (shout = talking for them)
- From: singaporean (@ cache234.156ce.maxonline.com.sg)
on: Fri Dec 24 08:09:32 EST 2004
EMERGENCY! Singapore is sliding back as a civilised country as more and more north (hindi) speaking indians are coming to live here offering cheap services for less talent. Please do not come i beg you. Our forefathers, the chines, malays and (tamil and sikh)indians did npt strive hard for chappati eating lazy bums like you to enjoy life here. For how backward these hindi speaking people are, just go to Mustafa Center and see how they behave and shout (shout = talking for them)
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