Why are there no tamil TV programs in US?
Topic started by Sombu (@ adsl-81-45-10.asm.bellsouth.net) on Sat Jun 15 16:09:30 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
There are kazillion Hindi and other language TV programs in USA. Tamil and Sounth Indian TV programs had a very short existance and folded within a few months. Are there no Tamil entrepreneurs in North America or political or copy right aggreement preclude such a venture? May be if the North American Tamils get to see the current Tamil Nadu Tamil culture, we could understand and contribute to the the topics much better.
- Old responses
- From: Ashok (@ nat-52.laurelnetworks.com)
on: Sun Jun 16 18:28:38
the above post was with respect to the following comment.....
>>Which brahmin will not want rama,krishna with 16008 wives and monkey statues in every village and municipality in U.S.<<
- From: visu (@
on: Mon Jun 17 00:13:12
i am never against hinduism but our relegion gives me total freedom to laugh/criticize at our own minus(plus also) points. my response was specific to siddharth narrow comments on tamil people. i make some comments just to laugh.
pl read corrected question::
Which hindu will not want rama,krishna,muruga, ganesh,hanuman statues in every village and municipality in U.S
hope i am always same
old visu
- From: vazhipokkan (@ cc2-
on: Sun Jul 14 12:05:58
You take a dig at Tamil brahmins. Tamil brahmins usually have the best of both worlds. They are proud of their Tamil ancestry while preserving some of the religious heritage that is associated with Sanskrit. I am a Tamil brahmin and am proud of it. There were and still are a lot of Tamil brhamins who have contributed to the growth of Tamil culture and language. I love Tamil so much that if somebody tells me that I belong to the Aryan race I get offended immensely. I breathe Tamil. Subramania Bharathi and U.Ve. Swaminatha Iyer contributed to Tamil literature as much if not more than Desika Vinayagam Pillai, R. P. Sethu Pillai, Meenakshisundaram Pillai or Mu. Varadrasanar , just to name a few.
Chennai Citizen:
Your logic about US green-carders having to assimilate the American culture and forget their Tamil(Indian) culture does not wash. Culture is inborn and one should not be excoriated for preserving one's own culture. While growing up one does not imbibe the culture much. There is a particular yearning one develops as one grows older. This has nothing to do with citizenship or patriotism. I am an American citizen who owes allegiance to the US but nobody can ( and nobody does) tell me what food I eat, what clothes I wear or what music I listen to. It is not true any more that you become part of the "melting pot". That was ages ago. Nowadays it is more of the "salad bowl" variety that obtains.
The longing of Tamils in the US to taste and enjoy Tamil culture is analogous to "naRRAmaraik kayaththil nallannam sErnthARpOl". We, Tamils want to enjoy (and work for that too) the best of both worlds. What is wrong with that? Of course I must admit I do not like what I see on SunTV/JayaTV etc., when I visit Chennai. I like to see real classical cultural programs --not the dappanguthu and the group dance(???) variety.
I like to see expositions of Tamil literary works, classical fine arts, Tamil history etc.
- From: Raveen (@ h66-59-174-253.gtconnect.net)
on: Mon Jul 15 13:06:06
I read a Pres release recently about a Tamil Digital channel opening up in New York and Atlanta. It has a strong base in Toronto so it can survive in the US. I will post about it when I find the information. Personaly Tamil TV in Toronto is boring as it a reharsh of TN programs like Natakams, movies and songs.
- From: Protam (@ tide117.microsoft.com)
on: Mon Jul 15 15:35:10
Looks very expensive
- From: Venki (@ proxyle02.ext.ti.com)
on: Sat Sep 14 15:49:21
Looks like SUN TV is again available in the US.
- From: Sujatha (@ ga-cmng-cuda1-c6b-115.cmngga.adelphia.net)
on: Sun Sep 15 14:36:45
Please let me know about any Tamil tv available here in Atlanta .
- From: Shahjahan (@ netcache.spectranet.com)
on: Wed Sep 18 04:34:35
To those living abroad,
I can understand your interest to view Tamil programmes.
May God (if he is there and listening) help you to block the (so-called) Tamil channels which are available from Tamilnadu. If you get Tamil tv programmes from your place, I am sure they will be 100times better than our Tamil channesls
- From: Unmai Vilambi (@ cache-ntc-ai04.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sun Oct 13 22:51:11
Tamil Songs in USA?
I have not heard any tamil songs on the radio.
All I hear is only Hindi songs. So many Americans think that Indians do not speak English at all.
Even in the Hindi movies the actors and actresses wear western style clothes (suit and tie), when they meet (even in the movies) the first two words may be either Hello or Hi and the rest are Hindi/Punjabi. Why is that? Many westerners wonder how the artists appear in western dresses but why they do not speak the english language.
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