Why Ramayanam and Ancient Tamil civilization history are contradictory?
Topic started by Thavaraja sundhar (@ on Thu Mar 27 05:54:06 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
hi everyone.....
If the first Tamil Sangam is believed to have occured in the so called lost continent known as Kumari kandam(or Lemuria) some 10 000 years ago...How could there exist an island LAnka in the same indian ocean during the Ramayana period which is believed to have occured more than
10 000 years ago(i remember reading the existance of the ancient bridge connecting TAmil nadu and lanka photographed by NASA to have been actually built more than 20000 years ago).If according to RAmayan there was island in the indian ocean and at same time TAmil literatures are claiming the existance of a widespread land-mass extending to west Australia and to east africa in the same Indian ocean some 10000 years ago before the great flood.
Please give your opinions.
- Old responses
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@ cache-mtc-ae09.proxy.aol.com)
on: Thu Aug 5 15:35:36 EDT 2004
Whoelse...u see United you get loote by Hindi and others. Divided, we live long! LTT doesn't say we are going to separate TN from (H)India if Thamizheezham forms. The Hindia doesn't like a Thamizh country to form as it fear that TN will become as a country too sooner or later. Who is nosy here? Hindia or Thamizheezha Thamizhans? Beside..you might know about the Thamizh movements in TN. Thamizheezham beingbeside TN is good and bad. Good because if it's not TN Thamizheezham might have became a Singhalese territory in the past centuries. However because TN is beside us..Hindia doesn't want Thamizheezham to be a country. In any case you can't sqeeuze Thamizhans for too long. If Hindia get involved in Thamizheezha Thamizhans problem (It already gives ships, arms to SLA). I'm sure TN will teach Hindia an unforgetful story as well as Thamizheezham and LTT.
- From: happyindian/whoelse (@ bbcache-12.singnet.com.sg)
on: Thu Aug 5 21:29:49 EDT 2004
u r too brainwashed nedunchezhiyan and very stuck up on one point -TAMIL! naturally as a person who has lost his home u r overflowing with dislike for anything other than tamil, which you see as your home. i am seeing things fm u'r end - according 2 u the whole world owes its living to tamil, the whole world originated from tamil, all life forms originated from tamil, all languages owe their presence on earth to tamil, everyone is a moron except a tamil, so a good 9 posts in the parliament to tamils is less. gawd!!!!! i haven't felt more foolish talking to anyone. i see no point in continuing this illogical discussion any further. goodluck buddy and goodbye.
- From: Nedunchezhiyan (@ cache-mtc-ae09.proxy.aol.com)
on: Fri Aug 6 00:47:07 EDT 2004
Well if according to me the Whole world originated from Thamizh...isn't it sad how the Whole World treat us? Moron. 9 persons in the parliment for one state is bad? What' the point? The hindis will still be looting the Thamizhans of TN in the term of taxes..and that's where the money is. 9 posts..ahah very funny..what's the use? Think about it moron. It's like ur working for the hindis. It doesn't matter if u have 9 posts or not. You'll always end up empty handed.
- From: k (@ 82-43-100-238.cable.ubr09.croy.blueyonder.co.uk)
on: Sat Aug 7 14:45:39 EDT 2004
y you guys bickering?
pass this information on INSTEAD as you have mentioned STEPHEN KNAPPS but not GENE MATLOCK who has also done his fair share to support INDIA and her TRUE history.....
Jesus and Moses Are Buried in India,
Birthplace of Abraham and the Hebrews;
Yishvara 2000 - The Hindu Ancestor of Judaism Speaks to This Millennium;
India Once Ruled the Americas;
The Last Atlantis Book Youíll Ever Have to Read; From Khyber (Kheever) Pass to Gran Quivira (Kheevira),
NM and Baboquivari,
AZ - When India Ruled the World.
He is now preparing a serialized online book for the Hindu website, www.vandemataram.com, entitled India Once Ruled the World
- From: happyindian (@ bbcache-16.singnet.com.sg)
on: Sun Aug 8 01:29:39 EDT 2004
Nedunchezhiyan, i must apologise for my outburst. We are both stuck on seeing 2 diff sides of the same coin. From u'r point of view, boundries give u a sense of identity. For me they don't. I honestly do not see the need to break up dear India (or any other country) in anyway. Instead I feel unions r far better where boundries r wiped out. My ultimate world has no boundries and is a place where all humankind lives, let lives and lives together in peace, whatever their faiths / cultural practices are. Whatever religion u choose, it is faith ultimately. To me all paths lead to the one and the only one power called God. But the biggest faith of all faiths is humanity (lets not forget that) and acceptance of a fellow individual exactly as he or she may be whatever the past / history maybe. So, sorry and God Bless, my friend. Bye.
- From: RC (@ pd9512253.dip.t-dialin.net)
on: Sun Aug 8 02:52:17 EDT 2004
is your house also my house? Can I come and dwell there for free?
You have nice thoughts - I don't say dreams or visions - and me the same too. But there had been a lot of attempts to fulfil your dreams in the past history. It will never work. Look at Srilanka. What happened there? What is going on there still? They have been fighting for atleast 2300 years!
- From: happyindian (@ bbcache-12.singnet.com.sg)
on: Sun Aug 8 08:05:14 EDT 2004
rc u can come and dwell in my house 4 as long as my family & i can afford it! yes what's happening in SL is terribly unfortunate but only lankans can and shd handle it. a non-controversial country like norway only can act as a mediator not a country like india that's had a gory picture in the past. lk at tibet. india gave it up 2 china in return 4 disputed land 4 india's gain.
- From: k (@ 82-43-100-238.cable.ubr09.croy.blueyonder.co.uk)
on: Sun Aug 8 15:35:43 EDT 2004
y you guys bickering?
pass this information on INSTEAD as you have mentioned STEPHEN KNAPPS but not GENE MATLOCK who has also done his fair share to support INDIA and her TRUE history.....
Jesus and Moses Are Buried in India,
Birthplace of Abraham and the Hebrews;
Yishvara 2000 - The Hindu Ancestor of Judaism Speaks to This Millennium;
India Once Ruled the Americas;
The Last Atlantis Book Youíll Ever Have to Read; From Khyber (Kheever) Pass to Gran Quivira (Kheevira),
NM and Baboquivari,
AZ - When India Ruled the World.
He is now preparing a serialized online book for the Hindu website, www.vandemataram.com, entitled India Once Ruled the World
- From: k (@ 82-43-100-238.cable.ubr09.croy.blueyonder.co.uk)
on: Sun Aug 8 15:40:25 EDT 2004
the above has interesting information as well....
Did you know that the OM chanted correctly through a TONOSCOPE produces the SRI YANTRA?
Check and see for yourself....
- From: kavintamil (@ )
on: Mon Aug 23 11:30:47
hello Guys ,
Why dont you think abt the tamil's anciety
and other things
Lemuria Is also called Kumari Kandam and was the birthplace of tamil.
The maya race of America lived with tamil's ancestors in
lemuria's south and they spread to america.
sanskrit ===> word means Semmaipatuthudhal
which means that it was >>>>NEVER<<<< an anceient language and can never stand before Tamil's anciety .
- From: tony (@ user-105n829.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Mon Aug 23 16:30:15 EDT 2004
Dr.No Brain is ofcourse right. Adam and Eve were dravidians so all mankind were once dravidian. Some moved away from dravidian culture and principles.These heretics started undravidian studies like science and philosophy, economics anfd anthropology, ate strange foods, started using soap and bathing,had special places for --- called bathrooms instead of going along the railway trck. All Dr. No brain is trying to do (with several others, notably Drs Hero, Dr. FTR, Dr. Geno) is trying to bring people back to the fold. Aryans and Hindians are a lost cause and we better give up on them.
- From: Fuck tony shitarse (@ pd9ff89cf.dip.t-dialin.net)
on: Tue Aug 24 10:11:42 EDT 2004
"These heretics started undravidian studies like science and philosophy, economics anfd anthropology,...."
... and adapted a new religion believing that the earth is flat, fukcing ones mother, insulting all others, ...
- From: real (@ adsl-68-78-9-129.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net)
on: Wed Aug 25 00:38:25 EDT 2004
.. because tamil history is fuc>>>ked up story of brahmin consipiracy.
- From: davie (@ gurian)
on: Sat Aug 28 22:49:16 EDT 2004
I LIKE RAMA I LIKE SITA. I HATE THAT ASOL VALMIMKI. I THINK HE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INITIATING DIVISION BETWEEN BRAHMINS AND NON BRAHMINS. I dont know why this nice tamil guy kambar decided to write that mfukers epic in this language.
may be valmiki should have behaved as if he is a nice guy to kambar before that epic was written.
vandarai vazhavaikum/varaverkum naadu. i think kambar should not have abided by that above line.
anyways we are always proud to have the best of the best arts/literature and culture even at that period of time and even before the so called aryan invasion. hhehe.
- From: davie (@ chmrs5)
on: Tue Sep 7 04:01:00 EDT 2004
Many dravidians moved to south coz south has more natural resources compared to the north which is a desert.
in south we have kerala which is the most beautiful place on earth.
- From: samy (@
on: Sat Sep 11 04:37:16 EDT 2004
nedunchezhiyan, the word orangutan- in malay "orang" means man and "utan"(hutan) means jungle.So literally it means jungleman -a human like ape species.On what basis do say it is a tamil name? Perhaps you claim ancestry to this species? Or are you planning to name any of your descendants orangutan?
- From: ukchristian (@ pptp3.speedcast.com)
on: Sat Sep 11 06:02:09 EDT 2004
- From: WhoElse (@ bbcache-17.singnet.com.sg)
on: Sat Sep 11 12:38:48 EDT 2004
nedunchezhiyan will now tear apart a few sounds and prove to u its tamil. he will then say tamils "invented" those sounds first but he will not say how. he will steadfastly refuse to accept that the prototype race of malays had a lot 2 do with the prototype race of present day dravidians; and will proceed to lay claim on those sounds as belonging to or coming from tamil only.
mayb in future they plan 2 file 4 patents 4 sounds?? god knows if ppl can try patenting turmeric, then anything is possible....
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