Indian establishments in Sri lanka discriminate against tamils
Topic started by Ponnambalam (@ on Mon Apr 28 07:03:40 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Nowadays here when a tamil enters the Indian Cultural Centre he is under the strict scrutiny of the security who wants our identity to be specially checked.One security will start to ask for this and that identity card even before entering the premises.This causes lot of harrasement to people who want to study or to be familiarise with various cultural aspect in Tamilnadu.
All this happens as there is no Tamilnadu Cultural Centre for Sri Lankan Tamils
- From: Karuvayan (@
on: Mon Apr 28 10:10:53 EDT 2003
Indian cultural center and most of the establishments are still controlled by the fu*cking congress party with it's fuc*king christian sonia gandhi as it's head.
- From: salapathy (@
on: Fri May 2 14:53:30 EDT 2003
Karuvayan wrote,
>> Indian cultural center and most of the establishments are still controlled by the fu*cking congress party with it's fuc*king christian sonia gandhi as it's head
ARE YOU AN IDIOT. Indian cultural center is run by the Indian Embassy which is controlled by the Indian government which is controlled by HINDIANS. Sonia and Congress are opposition parties. What have they to do with it, you fool.
"Who Rules India"
- From: lankapeace (@
on: Wed May 7 01:20:28 EDT 2003
Pathetic Minority Race Card.
You attract discrimination, looks like it exist where ever you people go. So what are going to do, send suicidal Tamil children to blow up innocent civilians and send a message?
"Indian establishments in Sri lanka discriminate against tamils"
- From: Karuvayan (@
on: Wed May 7 02:37:51 EDT 2003
Salapathy fool. In 1998, your Puratchi Thalaivi Dr JJ - pulled down the government - by just one vote - do you really think hindians rule india?
- From: salapathy (@
on: Fri May 9 22:58:55 EDT 2003
Karuvayan wrote,
>> In 1998, your Puratchi Thalaivi Dr JJ - pulled down the government - by just one vote - do you really think hindians rule india?
You fool. One Hindian went and another Hindian came in. Whatevwer happens, Hindians rule.
"Who Rules India"
- From: jegan (@
on: Mon May 26 12:13:21 EDT 2003
It is high time we have a Tamilian as indian ambassador in Sri Lanka. As far as I remember, we never had one.
- From: Samanthi Perera (@ )
on: Tue Mar 23 04:18:08
Most of the terrorist were resideing in tamil houses, hotels etc before blasing operations. Therefore it is natural to chech Hinu Cultural Centre. How can you call it is discrimination. Then why are the LTTE people check the sinhalese when they enter the LTTE areas with lot of restrictions. Is'nt this discrimination according to your definition. Ho! Ho! Ho! It is the duty of the governnment to protect the innocent civilians of all races> therefore checking at the cultural Centre is not discrimination. disvriminationsand safe to check, All the terroristbecause so far
- From: mannang katty (@
on: Tue Mar 23 09:05:54 EST 2004
Sri Lankan Tamil are now crime suspects everywhere. In border crossings between USA and Canada, I experienced this problem.
US immigration ask every Sri Lankan born Canadian whether he/she got arrested by police in any part of the world.
This is because of the nasty LTTE murderers.
India is much concerned after the blast of Rajiv Gandhi by LTTE criminals.
Instead of blaming others, Tamil speakers must blame LTTE if they are really concerned about civilised norms of the world.
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