Ayars also known as konars are linked to north western india
Topic started by u.r. seneviratne (@ mail.britishcouncil.lk) on Wed Jan 15 06:42:58 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
People of Velir and allied group ayars are connected to most ancient iron age findings in south as they live in the areas where megaliths are found as one professor of archeology in sri lanka puts it.
Ayar is Prkrit Aya which was applied to Singhalese royal clan members denoting arya
Konar is ancient Singhalese Kunwara from sanskrit Kumara which at present is used commonly as Kone at the end of Singhalese surnames
- Old responses
- From: Udaya (@
on: Tue Dec 30 03:19:45 EST 2003
What you have said is thought provoking.I also had your argument.But alas did not publish
Any how I have made referrences to the fact that present so called Dravidar features or genetic material are not in anywhere in civilization sites of India or anywhere else in the world for that matter.
Thnk yopu for publishing the truth.
- From: VIRUMANDI (@
on: Tue Dec 30 05:56:53 EST 2003
- From: sepala (@
on: Tue Jan 6 03:47:06 EST 2004
Cant tamil civilization as that start with shepherds coming from Konkan through Tulu and Kodagu areas to upper Kaveri where still Konars form a sizable population.
- From: victor (@
on: Thu Jan 15 13:55:23 EST 2004
Cant tamil civilization as sepala's father started with shepherds coming from Konkan through Pune and Sangli areas to upper Kaveri where still Konars form a sizable population.
- From: N.Somanathan (@ )
on: Wed Feb 18 13:21:54
Myth is Yadavas followed Sri..Parashurama after the creation of Kerala and settled first in Talipparamba( Krishna temple)Payannur etc.Palamruthan is another group from yadavas who offers milk to krishna temple there.
Infact those days there were only two groups that is AYAR and the other ANAYAR.Ayer= yadava and Anayar= Other than Yadavas.Most of the Rajas from AAY Dynasty (Thiruvandapuram) to Chirakkal in Malabare wer Yaduvanshis or Yadavas
- From: ahir (@
on: Thu Feb 19 13:37:39 EST 2004
Madiyan Kooloom Temple at Madiyan, Ajanur village
The famous Madiyan Koolam temple is situated about 5 kms. from Kanhangad, the head quarters of Hosdurg Taluk . The main deity of the temple is Bhadrakali (Kalarathri). There are also other deities like Kshethra Palan, Bhagavathy, Bhairavan etc. A peculiarity of this temple is that a Brahmin priest performs pooja only in the noon, while in the morning and evening poojas are performed by poojaris from Maniyani(Yadavas) sect. The festivals in this temple are very famous which are known as 'Kalasam' and Pattulsavam. 'Kalasam' falls in the month of Edavam (May and June every year). 'Pattulsavam' falls in the month of Dhanu (December-January every year). Theyyam is performed during this festivals. Cultural performances religious rites, grant procession Fire works display etc. makes these festivals colourful.
- From: Kunnummal gopalan maniyani (@ )
on: Fri Mar 12 18:46:50
Payyanur: The Kaliyattam of Kokkanisseri Kannangat Bhagavathy Temple will be celebrated from 7th to 10th December2002. Kokkanisseri Kannangat Temple is one of the 11 temples of Maniyani (Yadavas) community. Theyyams like Kannangat bhagavathy (the mein deity), Puthiya Pothi,Madayil Chamundi,Vishnumoorthi and Kundor Chamundi will be performed during the kaliyattam. Various cultural programs are also arranged as part of the celebrations.
- From: Mukundan kunhimangalam illathu (@
on: Mon Mar 15 18:22:07 EST 2004
Yadvas or Maniyani's are KSHATRIYAS where as Nambiars are shudras.
- From: shaji nambiar (@
on: Sun Mar 21 05:08:43 EST 2004
mukandan maniyani mone,how the sheppards became kshatriyas,nambiars are the kshtriya clan of malabar how dare U to call as shudras,kill and die for honour that is kshtriya duty our forfaters done it.
- From: Sreedharan Nambiar (@
on: Wed Mar 24 15:26:10 EST 2004
Dear Nambiar,
Nambiars are Shudras
First try to understand there is no caste named NAMBIAR as such, they are found only in Kannur area .They are part of the group known as Nairs.Read the Sangha literature and read all and you will understand that even the Harijans have joined among Nair’s. In Kerala AYARS and ANAYARS existed .Nambiars are ‘Kottis’ in certain part of kerala, learn it. In Malabar Nambiars house are mentioned as ‘Shudrakudi’and Maniyani’s house as Ayakudi (House of the AYAR= Yadadas).Read the History of Kerala SANGHAM Literature and all respected Historians of the state and after that put a message I will enlighten you and you will say I am SHUDRA.Most of the Rajavanshas in Kerala are YADAVAS except Samuthiri.
- From: arjun (@ )
on: Wed Aug 18 16:46:20
nambiars r so great people that....all other caste people r jelous of the people...
if u look back to the past.history will say u that nambiars once rulled malabar..this does not mean that they have territorial ambhition.its becoz that they r well educated .discipline.....
& we respect all other castes..but they does not reply the same message.iam really sorry for people who shouts against nambiars.
- From: srrenivas (@
on: Wed Aug 18 16:52:31 EDT 2004
sreedaran nambiar is not nambiar......he is from lower caste i think...ego problem.....
they r jelous of nambiar gurls.....
- From: happyindian (@ bbcache-12.singnet.com.sg)
on: Wed Aug 18 22:51:45 EDT 2004
yadavs and konars:
the world is much smaller than v'd like 2 think and all its ppls r more closely related than v'd like 2 think. pl don't waste u'r time fighting unnecessarily.
- From: madhavi nair (@ dialup-
on: Fri Aug 20 23:18:32 EDT 2004
No Nambiars were the rulers in malbar.Show me one example?.
- From: Hari nair Karimbil (@ )
on: Tue Nov 16 09:18:31
Today Maniyani is a backward community in North malabar. Can anybody enlighten me on how this decline happened to this community from the position of rulers as mentioned by Shri Somanathan.
- From: Somanathan (@ dialup-
on: Tue Nov 16 20:25:04 EST 2004
Maniyani or Muniyani as known in government records formerly was in forward caste since most of them are land owners or in farming and hails upper caste status in the society and still do.It was on the recomendation of late Sri.A.V.Kunhanbu MP this community was listed as OBC.Even though still they posess more land and assets compared to other Nairs, they were backward in education.This is due to the Matriarchical system of inheritance followed at that time and still followed by Maniyani(Nair) Community.Maniyani is only a Sthana Peru given by the Kolathiri for excellence in their Temple construction.From Kanhanagad to Tellicherry Maniyani's are known as NAIR.
- From: davie (@ tandon-lpt)
on: Wed Nov 17 15:33:49 EST 2004
nambiars are shudras(business people????)lol
not everyone does business.lol
as we know shudras are business people
shatrias were warriors
vaishyas arere....
blah blah blah
dravidian civilization was based in north india and if we present at that time we will find the same people even at that time.
but they were not fighting like u people.
just dont get undermined by those brahmins. They were fighting with khastrias regarding who is superior. even now they do that.
- From: davie (@ tandon-lpt)
on: Wed Nov 17 15:35:14 EST 2004
u people just have the knowledge of babies regarding castes and racesd
- From: davie (@ tandon-lpt)
on: Wed Nov 17 15:37:30 EST 2004
ayakudu and shudrakudi means
house of priests and house of business people.
just dont mess up with ur own superiority complex. fukin cheapindian local pichakara naisd
- From: truth (@ dsl-chn-
on: Sat Nov 20 07:28:08 EST 2004
Ur roots r here.
They didnt say "Go back to ur roots"
Not yet??
- From: truth (@ dsl-chn-
on: Sat Nov 20 07:28:29 EST 2004
Ur roots r here.
They didnt say "Go back to ur roots"
Not yet??
- From: truth (@ dsl-chn-
on: Sat Nov 20 07:29:32 EST 2004
If u come back here, u will be living with ur own people.
First i will irritate.
Then u will get used to it.
After all u belong here
- From: Hari nair Karimbil (@ )
on: Tue Nov 30 09:22:13
Study of caste system will help us to understand the history of Kerala better. Eventhough it may remind us about our own roots and leads to superior/inferior passions in somebody . But in fact a matured man knows it is of no use living in the past glory or otherwise.
Has any serious study done on the caste system existed in Kerala. Can anybody suggest some sources of authentic information on this subject.
- From: davie (@ dell166a.utep.edu)
on: Wed Dec 1 00:43:44 EST 2004
i will direct u to my postings at
i dont like to write them again
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