what is naga dosham
Topic started by RK (@ inetnat100.inet.com) on Thu Jan 23 17:41:37 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hi All,
Sorry to deviate from the discussion board and ask a question on astrology. I searched for this on the internet but could not get any leads. I would be very thankful if someone could explain me this or give me a lead to some site on the internet where I can get some input. I specfically want to know under what star/thisai combo does something like this arise.
Thanks for the input,
- Old responses
- From: priya (@
on: Sun Oct 17 02:18:59 EDT 2004
shiit + shiit = shiit
- From: priya (@
on: Sun Oct 17 02:20:47 EDT 2004
i want no more shit
- From: priya (@
on: Sun Oct 17 02:27:38 EDT 2004
wait, i see a snake chasing me.........come help me. will it go away, if i give more shit?
- From: priya (@
on: Sun Oct 17 02:49:52 EDT 2004
dai gopalakrishna,
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....no more nonsense stories.
adi vaangathe
- From: passionuall (@ ppp75-226.dsl-chn.eth.net)
on: Sat Oct 23 02:58:17 EDT 2004
elai poye velai vetti irundhu parunga naga dhosamam mutta paya pullaigala
- From: madhavan (@ tide163.microsoft.com)
on: Mon Oct 25 10:36:16 EDT 2004
Hey, let ppl go with their beliefs.. Why do some ppl here act too smart?? Ennamo as though they are born to reform the world-ntu??
Each one has their own beliefs and learn to respect others opinions. What do u know about the subject to talk about it? I am talking about the ppl who keep demeaning the others opinions.
Please be more mature & if you dont know anything abt teh subject jus keep your hands off it.. Dont mess up and parade your ignorance
- From: priya (@ pc353c-17.eecs.wsu.edu)
on: Mon Oct 25 14:52:08 EDT 2004
well, tell you what madhavan,
i think you are supporting those people because you must be one of them who believes in these nonsense nagha dosham.
common madhavan, be realistic.
- From: priya (@ pc353c-17.eecs.wsu.edu)
on: Mon Oct 25 14:53:24 EDT 2004
naaga dosham.....its all a B.S.
- From: madhavan (@ tide163.microsoft.com)
on: Thu Oct 28 08:02:06 EDT 2004
Hey priya,
lemme tell u something... You may or may not believe in this & I have better business than convincing you about my beliefs...
If you are mature enough you will understand that those who beleive in whatever doshams are NOT going to change by one of your comments or anything... Right??? Or if you beleive so, then I guess that is the most biggest B.S. belief than anything else.. So try & change that first.
Once you get that straight, you will learn to accept others opinions..None is asking you to follow or believe.. See... by writing this is B.S that is some other S, what are u going to get??? If you can really talk something abt the subject & contribute to it, do iot.. otehrwise, it would be a mature approach to jus keep quiet..
Grow up girl.....
- From: priya (@
on: Thu Oct 28 12:21:49 EDT 2004
well, tell you what maddy boy. three to four astrologers told me that i have a naga thosam and i should go to temples and do some nonsense remedies and stuff in order for me to get married and otherwise there wont be a marriage at all. did i do the remedies? naaaaaaaaaaaa.
But tell you what, there is no way iam going to believe in that S and do the remedies and loose money just because some idiot told me that. Therefore, i know that i will get married without doing remedies or going to temples for this sake. it doesn't mean i dont go to temple. I do go to temple but for another reasons and definitely not for Naaga thosam S. Thats all for now.
are you a tamil boy madhavan? you are not in bellevue are you??
- From: priya (@
on: Thu Oct 28 12:28:32 EDT 2004
what you believe is what you get.
be realistic.
- From: priya (@
on: Thu Oct 28 12:49:13 EDT 2004
i always wondered why astrology still exist. NOW I KNOW why it is still exist because OF SOME NONSENSE PEOPLE WHO STILL BELIEVE IN IT. There are lots of nonsense people who are wasting tons and tons of money for remedies when their kids are sufffereing for food and clothes. what can i say....god help them.
- From: priya (@
on: Thu Oct 28 12:49:23 EDT 2004
i always wondered why astrology still exist. NOW I KNOW why it is still exist because OF SOME NONSENSE PEOPLE WHO STILL BELIEVE IN IT. There are lots of nonsense people who are wasting tons and tons of money for remedies when their kids are sufffereing for food and clothes. what can i say....god help them.
- From: priya (@
on: Thu Oct 28 12:52:15 EDT 2004
iam not a girl. iam a woman. I am a grown up woman.
Thanks for concerning about my growth.
- From: priya (@
on: Thu Oct 28 13:12:42 EDT 2004
if you guys have any questions about your horoscope, you can post your questions to the above website that i provided. go to that website and clike on "post your questions here" and type in your questions. When the answers are ready they will email it to you. it costs none. He will help you for free and he is really good at it. THis is mainly for poor people who are wasting lots of money. For their satisfaction, they can go here and get some answers without any cost. take care.
- From: priya (@
on: Thu Oct 28 13:17:50 EDT 2004
oh, by the way, when you go to this website "http://www.telugupeople.com/ask/column.asp?category=1004" look at the "post your questions here" in the centre of the page. its located right in the center of the page right below the circle and click on that and you will be able to post your questions there. But you do have to be a registered member. HE will answer you any kind of questions related to your birthchart. take care and good luck.
- From: Raguraman (@ 12-222-154-248.client.insightbb.com)
on: Fri Oct 29 02:47:37 EDT 2004
Dei Pasangala,
Paavam, if someone wants to know something about Nagha Dhosham, why don't you stop paining him and tell him! If you don't know what its about, SHUT UP, don't go around debasing their beliefs.
I can't believe that this forum is on tnhistory and no one is answering on a subject that is an integral part of TN history!
PRIYA, GROW UP and stop being so opinionated! If you are a women with children, perhaps you should start by telling them historical bed-time stories!
- From: priya (@
on: Fri Oct 29 12:44:51 EDT 2004
iam not a women with children. for god sake...iam not a girl or women with children. Iam a grown up woman and thats all.
- From: priya (@
on: Fri Oct 29 18:52:56 EDT 2004
I meant to say woman and not women.
- From: priya (@ pc353d-13.eecs.wsu.edu)
on: Sat Nov 6 16:04:03 EST 2004
bye all. Good luck with your naaga thosham.
- From: ajanthan(sinngapore) (@ palo3.pacific.net.sg)
on: Sun Nov 14 12:52:45 EST 2004
i asked my tatha about what the is naaga thosham.He gave me this explanation. That if u have this S u will have difficulty getting married or having babies.
I would like to say something to priya though. Ones believe is ones bussiness.No one has the right to tell him/her what to believe.Damit let ppl live there lives as they want to without ppl like u commenting about their every actions.
If he asked a question, it does not mean that he believes in it. He may just be curious. If u cant answer what he asked pls dont blubber B.S.
- From: Shalini California (@ ca-dstreet-cuda1-c6a-115.snbrca.adelphia.net)
on: Sat Nov 20 03:03:16 EST 2004
Naga Dosham is caused by position of Rahu or Kethu in 2,4,7,8 or 12th houses in one's horoscope. Person with this dosham may be affected in many ways: no domestic bliss, trouble in marriage, childlessness. So prayer to the Nagalingam, to Parvathi on Fridays, doing the Rahu kaala Pooja in Kalahasthi near Tirupathi, visiting Thirunageshwaram and Keezhaperumballam near Kumbakonam serve as Pariharams to this dosham, which can affect several generations if Pariharam is not done.
Either the person or his/her forefathers may have disturbed or killed snakes. That is said to be the reason for this dosham.
Kaala Sarpa Dosham is the worst form of this , where all the planets in the chart are in between Rahu and Kethu.
Also belief is important. What the mind does not know, the eyes don't see. Also one needs God's grace to believe in Astrology and develop the conviction to perform these Poojas.
For those who think this is a waste: I pray for God's grace on you.
- From: Gnaneshwar (@ dsl-tn-
on: Fri Nov 26 04:24:52 EST 2004
thank you shalini for this brief explanation of about naga dosha.
- From: kala (@ pool-68-238-129-193.sea.dsl-w.verizon.net)
on: Mon Dec 13 13:54:37
There are people who have done tons and tons of remedies and still got divorced....whats your explanation for that????
- From: acharya (@
on: Sun Dec 19 06:36:55 EST 2004
Naga Dosham is caused by position of Rahu or Kethu in 2,4,7,8 or 12th houses in one's horoscope.\\ lol))))....
it is common with religions like other religion(chiristianity-ghosts.islam-saattan)that the hindu religion worship snakese(naagammaa)that is why many of our hindu friends are having names like naga lingam(lingam like snake,nagappa).but this culture came from the time immemorail.and in india it was assimilated by hindu religionfrom the tribals.that is why ''naga dosham''chevvai dosham''and all non sense things.i told in my one arguments in this forum that irrational animals ,even if they study or visit abroad will no chang their activities for that our Shalini California's explanation with hindu idiotic philosophy is example.all ''all brahmin pithalaattam''
- From: acharya (@
on: Sun Dec 19 06:43:34 EST 2004
milking momney(poojas,doshams)
all are born at correct time'
there is no good time or bad time,
all depend on your society's family'and youself activities.
do not get into the trap of momney collecting groups(''jyothidars')
- From: reitha (@ )
on: Mon Jan 3 03:27:29
dear acharya,can give ur personal email plz?
- From: anand (@ illchn-static-
on: Wed Jan 12 04:08:28 EST 2005
His email i.d is filth@anti-brahmin.com.
ha ha!
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