JJ is very brave
Topic started by N (@ cvx-213-48-64-66-wol.cableinet.co.uk) on Sat Jul 5 07:09:05 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Today Our honourable CM JJ has shown her
courage and wisdom by dismissing a lakh Government employees. Is there any such things
happened in the past? What are ur opinions?
- From: Karuvayan (@ ac9a2dcd.ipt.aol.com)
on: Sat Jul 5 12:29:18 EDT 2003
The state finances are ailing. Almost all states in india are facing financial crisis. The 'Financial Express' had written an article about her dismissing delinquent officers.
In anyway, it is well known that the government officers are highly ineffecient.
See http://www.india-today.com they did a cover story on corruption.
Good that the CM has taken this tough measure.
- From: iyengar (@ ip-129-15-208-194.kraettli.ou.edu)
on: Sat Jul 5 17:24:09 EDT 2003
The ESMA act is actually found in the manusmriti and the vedas.It is a ploy by the Brahmins and the Hindians.The sooner we send JJ and the rest of the B's to Afghanistan,T.N will witness a resurgence.
- From: Karuvayan (@ rrcs-sw-24-242-138-117.biz.rr.com)
on: Sat Jul 5 18:39:51 EDT 2003
//Karuvayan (@ ac9a2dcd.ipt.aol.com) on: Sat Jul 5 12:29:18 EDT 2003 //
Stop copying my ID again and again you @#$!%ing BA$TARD!
- From: silence_of_the_lambs (@ ppp-
on: Sat Jul 5 19:10:39 EDT 2003
" All the World's a Stage and we all play our part "
hey! was that the 'bard of avon'?!
- From: tony (@ user-uive839.dsl.mindspring.com)
on: Sat Jul 5 19:29:27 EDT 2003
Firing the govt employees will be a big loss to cinema journals and Tamil TRibune. One can go to any Giovt. Office and everyone is reading Tamil movie journals or arguing about which actress legs look better, or who should really be super star. Now with the high handed act of Dr. JJ the sales of these magazines have slipped
- From: Kannadiga (@ ac97c6d6.ipt.aol.com)
on: Sat Jul 5 22:16:14 EDT 2003
You Tamils are Crazy
- From: Kannadiga (@ ac97c6d6.ipt.aol.com)
on: Sat Jul 5 22:59:50 EDT 2003
Hey tony, check this out:
"When I tell him that Laloo thinks George W. Bush is a Brahmin, Singh smiles to reveal teeth stained red by betel juice. "I think this is true," he says, nodding in approval. "But President Jimmy Carter [a peanut farmer] was a member of the Bhumiyar caste [landowners], yes?" The question is without irony. In Bihar, everything is caste."
- From: Harish Kumar (@
on: Sun Jul 6 06:56:30 EDT 2003
//everyone is reading Tamil movie journals or arguing about which actress legs look better//
Ha Ha Ha !!! My god this forum will kill people with laughter.
- From: Balakrishnan S Nayakkar (@ gvawebdproxy1.net.external.hp.com)
on: Sun Jul 6 11:15:03 EDT 2003
//JJ is very brave//
yeah, But not for good reasons......
- From: tamilan-1 (@ adsl-63-204-32-221.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net)
on: Mon Jul 7 13:51:21 EDT 2003
Now, instead of seeing brahmin jaya's evil mind and inefficient management, brahmins will talk crap just to avoid the main issue of why this lady dismissed 1 lakh dravidians. I am sure brahmin employees would have sneaked out of this situation. Well, dravidians vote for this bitch and enjoy her chicanery.
- From: Kickboxer (@ ppp-
on: Mon Jul 7 14:44:18 EDT 2003
I like the new Karuvayan, he seems to be even 'smarter'
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs2417534-176.austin.rr.com)
on: Mon Jul 7 14:57:05 EDT 2003
I am so amazed by the backwards who even managed to copy my ID but not my IP. I'm sorry my dear backwards, I cannot educate you to differentiate between and IP and an ID.
- From: tamilan-1 (@ adsl-63-204-32-221.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net)
on: Mon Jul 7 16:33:32 EDT 2003
karu iyerae,
>> I am so amazed by the backwards who even managed to copy my ID but not my IP
Let the fu_ckin forwards copy the IP and i'll shave my head. so much for your iyer forwardness!
- From: neo_morpheus (@ ppp-
on: Mon Jul 7 17:34:25 EDT 2003
±ýÉôÀ¡ ´§Ã ÌÆôÀÁ¡ þÕ째?!!!
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- From: tony (@ user-uinj30h.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Mon Jul 7 20:08:41 EDT 2003
dr.Tamilian 1:
I think people are jealous of backwards. Evertone wants to be an idiot. You are indeed lucky. I want to be a backword and am trying to learn backward lingo. Please reply in backward language with a lot of abuses and four letter words. No one knows as much as you do as to how to use four letter words inappropriatly ( a backward talent).
- From: Dr. neo_morpheus (@ ppp-
on: Mon Jul 7 20:26:12 EDT 2003
Patient Status Report
Name : tony a.k.a. shittarth
Diagnosis : alzheimer with a generous dose of brain tumour along with blood cancerous;
Liver is almost dead; both the kidneys have been smashed;
Heart seems to have a hole the size of pea. may stop anytime now
Brain dead
Prescription : 'Euthanasia' a.s.a.p
- From: tamilan-1 (@ adsl-63-204-32-221.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net)
on: Tue Jul 8 13:23:05 EDT 2003
See i told you. Dr.tony iyer will deflect the main issue of why brahmin bitch sacked 1 lakh dravidian workers.
Now, instead of seeing brahmin jaya's evil mind and inefficient management, brahmins will talk crap just to avoid the main issue of why this lady dismissed 1 lakh dravidians. I am sure brahmin employees would have sneaked out of this situation. Well, dravidians vote for this bitch and enjoy her chicanery.
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs2417534-176.austin.rr.com)
on: Tue Jul 8 20:27:09 EDT 2003
//Dr.tony iyer will deflect the main issue of why brahmin bitch sacked 1 lakh dravidian workers//
The plain fact is that you and your dravidian workers are not honest at paying taxes. Remember the movie Indian, the first person Kamal goes after is A James Appadurai - a christian.
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs2417534-176.austin.rr.com)
on: Tue Jul 8 20:28:47 EDT 2003
How about Dr Zero, JJ's sidekick. The only other thing the dravidian parties do it Eat, Shit, See XXX silku Smitha movies and in the night you know what.
- From: tony (@ user-2ivec09.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Tue Jul 8 21:15:43 EDT 2003
With your description I will be a leader of the backwards. Now the problem is that I have to convince others like Dr.Tamilian,Dr.Butler and Dr. JJ etc. Again my fatal mistake was passing 8th grade without backward certificate.
- From: jegan (@ akcf1-ggi.xtra.co.nz)
on: Wed Jul 9 03:44:47 EDT 2003
it is not bravery , it is arrogance
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