Lets Unite and build Tamil

Topic started by manju (@ on Sun Mar 24 00:44:03 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Have you tired looking for a Tamil dictionary?
Did you know that the number of good Tamil Dictionary in Tamil on the internet is Nil. There are hundreds for English, more than 20 for Hindi and 3 for Sanskrit. But for Tamil language we don’t have even one.

I have seen many people who are passionate about Tamil on this site. If we could all join hands we can build a good Tamil dictionary in Tamil.

It is not a very easy job. But where there's a will there's a way. Create a Excel sheet with 2 columns. 1 for English and 1 for Tamil. For a English word type the relevant word in Tamil using E-Kalapai or Murasu. Please enter atleast 25 words. And send it to me at talktamil@tamil.com. We will verify it and add it to the database at http://www24.brinkster.com/umarthambi/tamil/ETamil_search.asp.

Everyone will have access to this database for free and can search words very easily. Lets unite and make our motherland proud.



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