Topic started by Ramesh (@ cache-blr.ernet.in) on Tue May 29 11:01:59 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I want to know about koteeswaran program.
I am very interest to participate in it.
So I need to know the rules to be follow.
Could you send it to me please.
Thank u.
- From: venkat (@ wilbur.physics.utoronto.ca)
on: Wed May 30 09:07:31
You should. You are highly qualified and have the essential intellect that takes it make a kOtISwaran. I can vouch for that to anyone. In fact, you do not need anyone's statements - the very fact that you asked this question in a tamil lit. forum can speak for itself.
All the very best. And when you eventually become a kOtISwaran remember this idiot nudging you to go for the gold.
- From: puzzeled (@ npras-u10.cisco.com)
on: Wed May 30 15:00:10
what in the blazes is kotisweran. is it something like kodisweran?
- From: test (@ galaxy2.cch-lis.com)
on: Wed May 30 16:52:02
- From: test (@ galaxy2.cch-lis.com)
on: Wed May 30 16:53:33
" target="_top">http://www.handspun.ie/bf/em/ysmile.gif">
- From: Ganesh (@ spider-ta013.proxy.aol.com)
on: Wed May 30 19:10:11
Mr. Test,
your test failed...
- From: ravi sundaram (@ pa-bethelpark2a-530.pit.adelphia.net)
on: Sat Jun 2 17:52:55
Test, if you want to post an url just type it without any braces and it will work.
For example http://www.forumhub.com/tlit/19991.11.01.59.html
Forumhub will automagically insert proper tags for it and the link will become alive.
- From: ravi sundaram (@ pa-bethelpark2a-530.pit.adelphia.net)
on: Sat Jun 2 17:54:17
This is my test
- From: ravi sundaram (@ pa-bethelpark2a-530.pit.adelphia.net)
on: Sat Jun 2 17:56:38
OK so you were trying to get this image come in line, instead of a link to it right?
Ok let me see if I can do it.
http://www.handspun.ie/bf/em/ysmile.gif" height=15 width=15>
- From: test (@ pa-bethelpark2a-530.pit.adelphia.net)
on: Sat Jun 2 17:58:04
- From: test (@ pa-bethelpark2a-530.pit.adelphia.net)
on: Sat Jun 2 17:59:39
- From: test (@ pa-bethelpark2a-530.pit.adelphia.net)
on: Sat Jun 2 18:00:54
- From: test (@ pa-bethelpark2a-530.pit.adelphia.net)
on: Sat Jun 2 18:01:43
- From: ravi sundaram (@ pa-bethelpark2a-530.pit.adelphia.net)
on: Sat Jun 2 18:02:52
nope it does not work. The automagic filter that recognizes the token \h\t\t\p\: mangles it.
- From: :-)/( (@
on: Thu Jun 21 18:32:24
http://www.handspun.ie/bf/em/ysmile.gif" height=200
width=150 border=1
- From: :-(( (@
on: Thu Jun 21 18:37:05
width=150 border=1
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