Who were Cholas?

Topic started by v (@ on Tue Jun 22 11:48:21 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Cholas were people of tamil race.Basically chola period can be divided into two.One before christ upto 7th century AD.second from 8th century till 11th century-The Golden age of cholas.
The Language spoken by them were tamil and later they switched over to prakrit.
They had a sway might be upto vindhyas During early centuries of christian era.During 7-11th century they had sway over entire india.Based on the languages patronised by them they seem to have mixed with aryans in the late centuries of the first millineum.
Many dialects were spoken in the eastern side that were dravidian in orgin.Cholas of Sangam age were more orginal tamils but they spread and settled in entire eastern front and again they established their empire in later part of 7th century.


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