BHAARATHI AMUDHAM (Literatures of Mahaakavi Bhaarathi)

Topic started by R.Srinivasan. (U.S.A) (@ on Thu Jan 8 19:39:12 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Mahakavi BHAARATHI is one of the GREAT TREASURES of every Human especially Tamilian.

This Great Poet has not left untouched any Subject relevant to not only every Tamilian but also one and all the Indians as well as the Global-citizen in the Universal-Spirit of Humanity.

His unparallel Tamil-poetries of awakening values conveying unique Human-sense and Moral-codes apart from Patriotism is ever and ever reponderable.

Participants are invited to present their Analytical Views in different aspects on Bhaarathis thoughts through his IMMORTAL TAMIL CLASSIC Poetries of Varieties.


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