Tamil Diction Treasure Hunt

Topic started by Madhurabarathi (@ on Thu Jan 1 08:55:12 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Tamil, an undisputedly beautiful classical language, is very rich in vocabulary. But over the centuries we have lost many words which have deep and varied meaning. The situation is aggravated by our English loving populace who never stop to think why not use a Tamil equivalent when it has been with us since ages.

The purpose of this thread is to rediscover many of our Tamil words, their meanings, applications, regional variations and usage in literature. We can also, within limitations, find how other South Indian languages have retained them in their vocabulary with or without modifications. I am a lover of the language, not an expert. All, including experts, are welcome to contribute.

And use the word next time you find an opportunity.


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