Topic started by K.Penneswaran (@ 210-210-42-210.lan.sify.net) on Sun Sep 1 04:25:52 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Before a few months of Chellappa's demise, I was at Chennai. I decided to make a documentary film on him. To my surprise, he agreed to this idea and cooperated with me very well. I have around 200 minutes of footage of the interviews of chellappa. He spoke a lot on tamil literature and the milieu. To complete the film i approached the Sahitya Akademi, Delhi and it went in vain. The film is yet to get completed with literary personalities' interviews on chellappa and his views. can any one help me by identifying some donor for completing this film?
I have already made a film on "Purisai Kannappa Thambiran" a theru-k-koothu doyen and lost money on that. I do not need anything for me. if someome helps me with enough money to complete the film that is enough. can you friends give some idea?


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