it's Hey!Ram,Vaanaprastham or Uttara for the oscar's

Topic started by Source (@ on Thu Jul 20 22:10:03 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The Indian Govt movies selection panel has
selected 3 movies for the oscars but only 1 of
them could actually go through they are:

Kamalhaasan's Hey!Ram
MohanLal's Vannaprastam
Bengali movie "Uttara

But they also hinted that Hey!Ram could well
be India's entry cos of the movie being at the
highest quality.They have also hinted since
Hey Ram was selected for the European film
Festival and Uttara for the International film
festival Vaanaprastham could also stand a chance
for the oscars.The Chief Jury of the National
Awards had Recommended Hey!Ram to the selection
panel for the upcoming oscars in 2001


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