Boycott BABA

Topic started by SS Kumar (@ on Thu Aug 1 15:50:46 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hello friends,

Saw Baba stills.
In almost every still Rajini is either seen drinking or smoking, eulogising the above 2 unwanted habits. I am not commenting on his personal preferences but as a personality with such a great influence on youngsters and the illiterate people (the influence being more now than before) Rajini should not be doing this. I am not saying that no drinking and smoking should be shown in the movie but what is the need for showing smoking and drinking on publicity stills?
Just because he is famous doesn't mean that he could corrupt the society. Where does he get this audacity? Isn't it not us who gave such anti-socials this high place? Nobody can stop BABA from being a hit but atleast as responsible Indian citizens we should show our protest in some way. One way is to boycott BABA.


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