Madhavan's movie 'ETHIRI'....ur comments!!!??
Topic started by Shakthi (@ on Sat May 29 15:28:50 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Its a K.S.Ravikumar's film...
Guess the original punch in his movies is missing in this film.
The first half spun a big suspense to make us sit and watch, while the latter half, ended up with same old traditional story of, arrgant dad, opposing a naive love of her daughter.
MADHAVAN SHOULD CHOOSE BETTER STORIES TO SHOW HIS TALENT.Should concentrate on different themes, and lasting roles.
Some wit-track is worth watching!
Tolerable movie...Which creates and kindles a hope of something exciting, is here to happen, only to end with the same sad note!
- Old responses
- From: shilpa (@
on: Thu Aug 12 23:54:16 EDT 2004
u fool ugly 'BLACKY' shive f uck an ugly black dog or an ugly low class black guy in ur slum.XxX stupid.go and f*uck u 'BLACKY'
- From: black guy shiva (@
on: Fri Aug 13 10:10:58 EDT 2004
Shilpa, Get the f.....uck out here from this Forum or I will kick your your ass.
- From: Dirty black shiva (@
on: Fri Aug 13 10:14:53 EDT 2004
Shilpa, My sperm is black, you can ask your mother and sister about my sperm.
- From: shiva (@
on: Fri Aug 13 10:24:23 EDT 2004
Shilpa, Poddi ena panna porrae asinkum panna andavanakku pudiykathu andavanakku pudiykathu enna shivakku pudiyakathu. hey enna kindal panrea Thuuu Thevidya ponnea, naan yarr enn theriyam unkku vayyu mudri....
- From: Bhai (@
on: Fri Aug 13 10:36:01 EDT 2004
Shilpa, Bhai boltera mumbai sey jaatha bath kare tho mey udathonga thum ko abbi samjja kya ? mallum mey mera naam, mera naam AKKA mumbai ko mallum. kya karre thu mera saath Gandh masthi karthe thu, mera chokra lokh ko bathayotho bass thumarea Game bajjaterea......
- From: shilpa (@
on: Sat Aug 14 00:40:12 EDT 2004
U ugly local Indian guy suck ur black cock and f uck all the ugly languages u know(URDU/TAMI/MARATE/HINDI/KANDA.If u know english and if u have guts write me in english if possible.but still I wont touch the letter written by u.Letters from black guys smells nasty for me.
- From: shiva (@ (@
on: Sat Aug 14 07:48:32 EDT 2004
sorry shilpa I am extremely sorry for fighting with you.I cant sleep the whole night after fighting with you.I fall in your leg and plead for mercy.Please forgive me.I promoise you I will never. interupt you.Sorry shilpa.I take back all my words.I am afraid of you and I am afraid of your wealth and I have started getting an inferiority complex.Sorry shilpa.
- From: FRom (@
on: Sat Aug 14 16:10:27 EDT 2004
Sorry Shiva I know you won't f....uck a old Bitch like me who got Aids.
- From: shiva (@
on: Sat Aug 14 16:16:03 EDT 2004
Shilpa, Don't F.....uck Around with me, I swear you gonna have rough and tough time.
- From: Shiva (@
on: Sat Aug 14 16:32:51 EDT 2004
Shilpa, If you say Bad words about my India or Bad about Indian Languages I swear we will kick your ass.
- From: shilpa (@
on: Sun Aug 15 21:12:18 EDT 2004
I will kill u.Shit dirty blacky u cant even touch me man.Money speaks for shilpa man.Dont interfere and face the consequences.b astard
- From: shiva (@
on: Sun Aug 15 21:44:19 EDT 2004
Shilpa, Before you are goin to kill me Dude I want to see your F...uckin face, give your f....uckin phone number if you have video phone or video cell phone.
- From: shilpa (@
on: Mon Aug 16 21:11:20 EDT 2004
u s*hit guy with black blood put ur black cock into ur black mouth and suck ur black blood u black b*astard son of blacky.
- From: subwoofer shiva (@
on: Tue Aug 17 01:15:32 EDT 2004
Shilpa, Let me Tell yo Somethin Pal, Get the Hell out Here or We will spear your Nose. Man You are in Trouble We Got all detals About you Man, Better runaway from me, still you have guts come to MG road or Brigade road in Bangalore this weekend you can find our sports cars and suv's with 24 inch spinning wheels in the streets of Brigade Road OR Mg Road in Bangalore.
- From: shilpa (@
on: Tue Aug 17 21:18:15 EDT 2004
U blacky y do u type in different names fool.R u afraid of me.Dont u have the guts???U r guy or gay man???shame on u.u always say "meet me at this me at that place."U seem to be a street wanderer.If u dont have any work to do go and graze cattles.That would suit u.I am not an ideal person like u.I have lots of work.So shut ur mouth and ur vagina and get lost u b astard.
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