A Kind request to all human beings

Topic started by Raghu (@ on Tue Jan 21 06:12:14 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hi all;

Due to the war in Sri Lanka, many thousands have lost their hands/ legs, including youn children, "Sri Kanagha Thurkai Amman Temple", based in london are collecting money to send back to Sri lanka to give an artifical leg or arm, one artifical leg / arm only costs £50, imagine this £50 gives a chance for a human being to live;

please give your donations to;

5, Chapel Road
West Ealing
W13 9AE

Tel: +44 0208 810 0835

they accept major credit cards, such as visa/mastercard/american express, how ever, if you are sending the cheques, please make the cheques payabale to "SKTAT".

If you need further help, please do not hesitate to contact me.

pls give what ever you can, plzzzzzzzzzzz


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