Oh My God!!! Kannathil Mutuamaital a flop!!!!

Topic started by sarayana (@ on Wed Jun 26 22:52:10 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I could not believe it when i read that Kannathil Mutuamital is technically declared a flop (www.cinesouth.com). What is the tamil cinema comming to!!! How can a great movie like this both technically and acting wise be a flop . Movies like Gemini and Roja Kootam do not even come close.But these two movies are some of the hits so far.
Why has it flopped? Is it because the indians cant associate with the movie since it is based on the Srilankan conflicts. I think the reason why it did so well overseas is because there are a lot of srilankan tamils living overseas.
Maybe India is not ready for this kind of cinema yet. If maniratnam put a duet song here and there and asked a north indian actress to come and shake her hips we could have had a hit on our hand.
Mani dont take a movie like this again becuase your talent is not being appreciated it seems.


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