poll by sify...who is the most popular superstar in south
Topic started by kp (@ dsl-80-46-152-131.access.uk.tiscali.com) on Sat Feb 28 13:21:12 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
rajini was leading all along...now chiru fans have voted in large numbers...he's leading
- Old responses
- From: Radha (@
on: Sun May 2 07:41:33 EDT 2004
Hi joe and Sangeetha,
Best student in a class or in a school means He has got best Marks in all subjects.
Shivaji may be get 100 marks in Character Acting.
But not good in other subjects like(Action,Dancer,
Comedy,Romance etc).
kamal may get 80 marks in character(as per ur opinion. But Kamal didn't get any chance like veerapaandiya kattapomman movie etc)
But he got best marks in other subjects like Action,DancerComedy,Romance etc .. So As per
Marks KAMAL is better than Sivaji.
So that only he is famous in all over India. But shivaji is famous only in Tamilnadu.
In kerala, Indian is the only Tamil movie run 100 days.And in Bangalore kamal movies collection is better than other Movies. Even PKS run 50 days there.In Telugu Every one know about Swathimuthyam and Sagarasangamam.
In Hindi Ek dujhe keleye saagar and sachi420 and Indian. In fact Abhay(alavandhan)rate gone up to 10 Crores.
- From: sangeetha (@
on: Mon May 3 06:28:06 EDT 2004
its okay to be a superstar in one langugae(like Rajini) than to be a flopstar in many languages :-))))
- From: Radha (@
on: Mon May 3 13:11:23 EDT 2004
Hi Sangeetha,
Are u 10 years old?
If an Actor be super star He should be famous in All Languages.
But Rajini is a lucky fellow just like Jayalalitha.
Do u know the collection of Virumandi,Thenali and Indian and Avvaishanmugi?.
10 Days collections of Virumandi is equal to 50 days collection of Autograph and Gilli.
In Chennai satyam theater alone ,Profit of that theatre is 20 Lakhs in 50 days.
In Madurai first 5 days, the ticket Rate was Rs 50.
(In Madurai They released in 3 theatres. seat capacity of all theatres are above 1000. Normal Ticket Rate in Madurai is 10,15,20) You can calculate the collection of Virumandi.No of print is 250. Till now This is the Record for any Tamil Movie.
If he is a flop star How is it possible?
In Madurai Thenali run 100 days in 3 big Theatres. This is the first movie to run 3 big theatres released in School days(Padayappa also run in 3 big theatres. But that was released on Vacation time. Then only it run 100 days)
So first U should know about Legend Kamal. Then only u talk about him.
- From: sangeetha (@
on: Tue May 4 03:46:29 EDT 2004
u r giving some figures. I dont think they r true.
none of the websites/magazines say that Virumandi collected more than Autograph and Gilly.
- From: Radha (@
on: Tue May 4 14:02:04 EDT 2004
Hi Sangeetha, Thamil vaasan
check this link for Virumandi Hit.
If u r not beleive My comments. U can ask any Malayalees , Bangaloreans.
Do u know the Meaning of super dooper hit?
In last 10 years, super dooper hit movies are Indian,Avvaishanmugi, Basha,suryavamsam,Mudhalvan,Padayappa and Thenali.
Thirumali run more than Diwali releases. thats all. But it is not a hit movie.
Vijay is a Mass Hero. Joke of the Year.
What happend to Udaya? it run only 3 or 4 week in chennai. Even Now simbu films run 40 days.
we will talk about Gilli after releasing Peralagan and Ayutha Ezhuthu. Ok
- From: Radha (@
on: Tue May 4 14:21:42 EDT 2004
In this link u can see the share of Sathyam complex alone(Rs.25 lakhs-for 50 days only).So u can imagine the world wide collection of Virumandi
- From: Radha (@
on: Tue May 4 14:22:29 EDT 2004
In this link u can see the share of Sathyam complex alone(Rs.25 lakhs-for 50 days only-just 1 print).So u can imagine the world wide collection (250 Prints)of Virumandi
- From: ukw (@
on: Tue May 4 20:12:34 EDT 2004
**u r giving some figures.***
Yeah, she likes giving some #s all the time. Ask her the # of theatres VirumANdi ran 100 days in Trichy, Madurai and Kovai. Let us see what #s coming out this time.
- From: fan (@ xpn5.static.uniserve.ca)
on: Tue May 4 21:13:31 EDT 2004
Radha is a guy- a fanatic of Kamal who hangs in Connemera library and Raajkaamal office in Alwarpert and speak as if Steven Spielberg is waiting outside Raajkamals office for his call sheet
These guys tell that SathiLeelavathi was a bigger hit than baasha. I know a few of them actually
Bunch of losers following an actor who thinks he is a genius
- From: sangeetha (@
on: Wed May 5 02:41:59 EDT 2004
Radha, if u read that link provided by you shows that Autograph is expected to gross more than Saamy which means that its a clear hit when compared to Virumandi and its also said that Virumandi did only average business in B& C.
just bcoz it gave 25 lakhs in Sathyam doesnt mean that the movie is the biggest hit among all.
just keep watching the records set by 'Gilly' now, U 'll accept that Vijay is a mass hero.
- From: Radha (@
on: Wed May 5 02:45:29 EDT 2004
Hi fan and Ukw
First tell about My comments are true or not.
I never say sathileelavathi was hit than baasha.
But Indian was bigger hit than baasha and padayappa.
Because Indian was success in all over india and abroad.but padayappa was success only in Tamilnadu.
My Native is Madurai.So I give success details of movies in last 2 years.
In the last 4 yeare biggest success movie in Madurai is Thenali.
It run 100 days in 3 theatres.
Virumandi released in 3 big theatres and run 65 days in all 3 theatres.
Thirumali released in 2 big theatres and run 70 days.
Autograph released in 2 theatres(1 small(400seats) and 1 big)
small theatre-75 days big theatre-65 days.
Saamy released in 2 theatres (1 theatre-65 days and 1 theatre-75days)
pithamagan released in 3 theatres(1 theatre-40days 2-theatres-60days)
If u not beleive this come to Madurai and ask any one.
- From: ukw (@
on: Wed May 5 11:19:39 EDT 2004
***Virumandi released in 3 big theatres and run 65 days in all 3 theatres. ***
The answer to ? is virumANdi did not cross 100-days even in one theatre.
But the movie is a Hit ;-)))))))))))
BTW, one of those big-three is THANGAM by any chance?
- From: Radha (@
on: Thu May 6 01:15:38 EDT 2004
What I am trying to say is You all told that Saamy ,Tirumalai and Autograph were super hit.
That's why i want to say that Compare with those movies virumandi(Jayam,Chintamani, and Ambiga) run better than those. Chintamani is very big theatre -1500 seat capacity
First understand what I am trying to say. ok
- From: Kavitha (@ tide74.microsoft.com)
on: Thu May 6 14:44:13 EDT 2004
Hi Sangeetha,
In this thread you have posted that Kamal is a flop star. You mentioned that:
"its okay to be a superstar in one langugae(like Rajini) than to be a flopstar in many languages"
The above statement cleary tells us how ignorant & misinformed you are about our country India and state Tamil Nadu :-( It's unfortunate that your postings have always been in a very bad taste...
In the past five years in Tamil Nadu, there is only one movie that has run 200 days. You know the name of the movie? It's Thenali. In the lst 5 years, the only other movie that was a closet bet to Thenali, was Dhool which was able to manage 175 days.
- From: Thamilvaasam (@ ls12.internode.on.net.au)
on: Fri May 7 06:19:33 EDT 2004
"In the Past ten years only Thenali ran 200 days & only Dhool managed to run 175 days"
Why didn't you know Thullatha manamum Thullum ran 200 days (released Jan. 1999 ), Kushi (Apr 2000)Friends (Jan. 2001) crossed 175 days... I'm just mention only Vijay's movies as i'm a fan of vijay. There're some more movies celebrated Silver jublee.
Are you Kamal's & Vikram's fan
- From: Raghu (@
on: Fri May 7 07:03:45 EDT 2004
>>In the past five years in Tamil Nadu, there is only one movie that has run 200 days. You know the name of the movie? It's Thenali. In the lst 5 years, the only other movie that was a closet bet to Thenali, was Dhool which was able to manage 175 days<<
NO !!!!!, Padaiyappa ran for 250 days !!!
- From: Thamizhan (@
on: Fri May 7 09:37:00 EDT 2004
I remember Vikraman's 'Vaanathai pola' ran for 200 days.
Jus wanted to share this,am not bashing anybody.
- From: Vijay's fan (@ ls12.internode.on.net.au)
on: Sun May 9 23:35:30 EDT 2004
Yes, Kavitha... before you write something in this forum you should think that it's true... Anyway, others aware of your comments...
- From: kamalkannan (@
on: Thu May 13 05:34:35 EDT 2004
hey guys,
Tenali ran for only 175 days, not 200 days, that too in a small theatre,Sree in sathyam complex.
Virumaandi has not run for 100 days anywhere in T.N.
If U take box office collections, virumandi is way behind autograph & saamy.
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