Pithamagan, the winner
Topic started by Pras (@ on Sun Oct 26 14:13:12 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
"It's celebration time for Chiyaan Vikram. Pithamagan declared a winner at the Diwali box office battle and critics raving over the outstanding performance, Vikram will soon be at Galatta’s chat to open up his heart and share his happy moments with you. Watch this page for further details."
from galatta.com
- Old responses
- From: joe gal (@
on: Sun Nov 2 20:52:58 EST 2003
vikram did a great job in the movie pithamagan...well done vikram...all the best for your upcoming movies...
- From: Joe (@ palo5.pacific.net.sg)
on: Sun Nov 2 21:36:55 EST 2003
I watched PithMagan
It is an excellent attempt with courage and I am very glad people of all walks appreciating this movie.This is a good trend.Undoubfully bala becomes one of the great directors.Though there is no strong story line,the presentation and picturization,acting,music,stunds,sound effect all are amazing .Vikaram,surya,Laila,sangeetha and the villain all justified their roles and credit goes to Bala,except Vikram who is extrodinary himself .
I have been a fan of Nadigar Thilagam sivaji and Super Actor kamal Hassan .This movie made me a fan of Vikram too .It is very hard to perform more than what is expected that too in a much hyped movie .I can say Tamil film world is blessed with exceptional actors coming every period .There was the greatest actor Sivaji Ganesan .After nadigar thilagam ,kamal hassan has proved that One can reach the level of comparing with nadigar thilagam .I had a doubt once that if anybody would come to compare with Kamal hassan .But Vikram stunned me in this movie and surely if he continue his current path ,he will reach the level atleast compare with kamal hassan.This is very promising trend in tamil industry.He is too good .I can't imagine any other current actors(other than Kamal hassan) can even dream a performance like this .
Though I am not a admirer of surya,in this movie he gave an unexpected performance.I hope most of the credits goes to Bala .Anyway surya deserves the appreciation.
what I can say about maestro Isaignani Ilayaraja.?.Raja is real Raja in music .
Once I read an interview of bala he said that He is a die hard fan of Nadigar thilagam Sivaji ganesan .He has clearly exposed that in this movie .Hats Off to bala and no words to appreciate Vikram,finally the mass who made this movie deserves the highest appreciation.
- From: Arun (@
on: Wed Nov 5 04:39:09 EST 2003
Pithamagan-The greatest movie of all times
Bala-The greatest director ever seen in tamil cinema
Vikram-An extraordinary actor than kamal
Surya-Lovely acting and his smile
All credits goes to BALA
- From: Indian in America (@ x130-65-37-145.sjsu.edu)
on: Thu Nov 6 11:48:08 EST 2003
I agree with Joe in all his points, except one. Vikram is easily a better actor than Kamalhassan. I'm sure if Kamal and Vikram do a similar role at the same period, Vikram's role would be much more appreciated. I mean, look at him....He can perform a matinee-idol's role like Rajni (Dhool and Saamy) and act as best as possible (Sethu and Pithamagan). Pithamagan was a mind-blowing performance.
Just at the time when people thought that Rajni and Kamal have called it a day, and when the whole Tamil Cine world was starting to close the shutters, in came 2 redeemers, named Vikram and Surya. Just the year 2003, these 2 have made above 50 crores for the industry though just 4 movies. And look at the way people are flooding to the theatres. Did you guys see this kind of crowds after Padayappa. Not at all. For the past 5 years, we've had so many actors who proclaimed themselves as Superstars and the next Rajni, Kamal bla bla bla.
But the truth is, these 2 are the answers for Tamil Cinema's future for years to come. And we all should be proud of them and welcome them more. I wish I was in India to see their movies in MAdras theatres with all the celebrations, but that's fine. I enjoy watching them in DVDs here as well.
Thanks !!
- From: Kavitha (@
on: Thu Nov 6 14:28:19 EST 2003
Well said! Your points above are very true.
- From: Srilankan in Australia (@ pulteney-pix.border.net.adelaide.edu.au)
on: Thu Nov 6 20:40:08 EST 2003
Of course rubbish to say Vikram is a better actor than Kamal.
Ridiculous comment, Vikram may be a better actor than Rajini.
- From: Joe (@ palo5.pacific.net.sg)
on: Thu Nov 6 21:07:49 EST 2003
Indian in america,
You sounds like kamal never gave succesful masala movies.No point in listing loads of kamal masala movies which are huge box office hits in past.would it change your opinion?Vikram is atleast reached a level to compare with kamal.But haven't reached kamal's level.
- From: Tamizharasan (@ wwwgate2.motorola.com)
on: Fri Nov 7 10:14:18 EST 2003
Well said Joe.
When you are comparing actors you have to compare everything. See the performance of Kamal in 16 vayathinilae when he was just 23 years old and did not have technical gimmicks to do that movie. Moreover as far as a comedy is concerned it is a long way for him to reach the level of Rajini and Kamal. In fact if you see it closely Rajini has given more no of good performance when compared with Vikram who gave just two so far. I really do not want to underestimate the talents of Vikram. he is really very good but is a long way for him to be compared with the legends like Sivaji and Kamal
- From: vikram (@ 110.st-louis-103-104rs.mo.dial-access.att.net)
on: Sun Nov 9 09:39:14 EST 2003
Its unfair to compare Kamal & Vikram and squabble over it..its like comparing Robert-De-Niro & Al-Pacino. I'm the biggest fan of Kamal but a huge fan of Vikram too. Given the limited amount of opportunity Vikram has had(his 13 year struggle) & only that he's been around for 5 years starting with Sethu ...he's created such a huge impact in the tamil film industry like no one else in such a short span...you got give to him guys & gals.
Vikram is definitely an actor who can pull of any role as much as Kamal...Kamal has already created a niche & Vikram is carving his own right now...
all said & done only Tamilians can be proud of producing the greatest actors in Indian history with Sivaji Ganesan & Kamal-hasan....we should be proud that Vikram is capable of joining this league...just give him time,he'll prove it to all doubters!!!
- From: 21 (@ proxy1.iitm.ac.in)
on: Tue Nov 11 08:31:49 EST 2003
i am a great fan of vikram..i mean just look at the movies dhool and saamy and sethu for that matter .. dont u see that he gets into the skin of the charachter he plays.plus he looks awesome for that role..i wish our man great successes in futur,..O PODU!!!
- From: Shaki (@ hse-toronto-ppp117313.sympatico.ca)
on: Tue Nov 11 20:59:09 EST 2003
Surya!!!!!! wow, neva seen dis side of him b4!!!
he'z alwayz serious when he acts. It was somethin different! Vikrams actin was also great, but a bite scary..dun't ya tink? wat do u say....next TARZAN??????? lolzz, hehehe, juss jokin!
- From: SKATHI (@ hse-toronto-ppp117313.sympatico.ca)
on: Tue Nov 11 21:00:10 EST 2003
soorrrii, was a bit ova excited up top......
- From: Chitra Ganapathy (@
on: Thu Nov 20 23:06:34 EST 2003
Pithamagan is a very good movie . The credit goes to BALA , VIKRAM , SURYA , LAILA , LODUKKU PAANDI ofcourse . All of them have done a great job and congrates !!!!!!
Best of luck to everyone !!!!
- From: Roshan (@
on: Sat Nov 22 08:51:41 EST 2003
>> In fact if you see it closely Rajini has given more no of good performance when compared with Vikram who gave just two so far.>>
Absolutely correct!!!
- From: cruise (@ jlp-204-159.tm.net.my)
on: Mon Dec 1 01:21:40 EST 2003
i'm a vikram fan his acting is very he is the only actor who can be called as half rajini and half kamal.
best of luck viram.
- From: cruise (@ jlp-204-159.tm.net.my)
on: Mon Dec 1 01:23:06 EST 2003
sorry its n error of from my brother.sorry for the spelling mistakes
- From: Will (@
on: Thu Dec 4 01:58:33 EST 2003
This is my personal review of Pithamagan:
Actually, I hadn't yet seen Thirumalai, but, I had seen Pithamagan long before.
And, I just couldn't help but comment that it would have been better had I seen a BBC Documentary instead of this film.
Let me back up my comment:
First of all, I shun the very idea of the director Bala's self-escalating his directorship.
It was hard to watch the Pithamagan Promotional Piece on SunTV on Diwali day, with everybody praising Bala for his perfectionism. For, every person who had tried to achive it knows that it is impossible to be perfect. A famous scholar (whose name I currently don't remember, but I will tell you if you insist) once told "Don't worry about perfectionism. You will never achieve it". And, everybody in that episode were commenting that Bala took shots UNTIL "he" was satisfied that it was "perfect". Well, well, well!
Very Next thing was, I couldn't see a single of that thing in that film (in settings, etc.). Only the camera showed some touches of professionalism but, that could well have been that of the cameraman!
Moving onto the film itself, first thing you note is the vulgarity depicted in the film. The times when Vikram fights with people (especially him trying to tear the mouth of a jail-worker), and women being beated thrice in the movie (especially Laila being beaten by Surya).
Immediately follows, is the vulgar dialogues of Surya (thank god, atleast Vikram had almost no dialogues in that film, or Bala would have urged the writer to include vulgar dialogues for him too). This is especially evident when Surya goes as a pedlar and also when he speaks to Laila at the jail.
Those were the things you notice on first look. If you look a bit more deeply, you can find that the film has absolutely no story line at all! Two friends meeting, and one takes revenge for the murder of another. That is the story? Well, again!
The only appreciable fact is the bondage between two friends of different bringing-up, being shown in a sort of different but adorable fashion.
And, of course, not to mention about the screenplay. Now, people are comparing Bala with Shankar and Manirathnam! Definitely, anybody who knows what screenplay are would not say anything of this sort! Atleast anyone who had admired the "screenplay" of films like Roja, Nayagan, Agni Natchatram (wow! what a screenplay that was!), Indian, Gentleman, Mudalvan, would never even compare them with the screenplays of Sethu, Nandha, and Pithamagan.
The screenplay was, at the best, sluggish! How did Laila and Surya start loving each other? Or, how did Laila like Surya, when he insulted and badgered her at every given oppurtunity? And that too, immediately after that jail scene! Maybe, the director thought that the audience would understand something that he doesn't depict in the film or he thought people would concentrate on the main part (surya+vikram friendship) and leave the other minor parts, I do not know!
It is concentrating on every minor aspect that makes a "good" director.
And, finally, people are talking about excellent characterisation. This is agreeable to a certain extent, but still, this could be done with a "little" bit of imagination or by actually visitng places like lunatic asylum, or even some really OLD villages or the like places, watching many people there, merging their characters and going on from there.
But, definitely, Vikram's acting was simply excellent. Three cheers to him! In this thing, I will appreciate the director a little, cause he is the one who usually influences in(or even makes) artiste's acting.
So, finally, I give a rating of 5 Stars for Vikram, 1 Star for Bala (for the daringly different way he had shown the bondage between friends + for making Vikram act the way he had), and 1 Star for the film itself.
Thanks, and I would like very much to hear your comments. Please post them in this thread: http://forumhub.com/tfilms/18008.01.40.02.html , for this is where I will be checking back for replies. Thanks again.
- From: rr (@ px122.planetsky.com)
on: Thu Dec 4 02:31:22 EST 2003
haaaaaaaaaaaaaa will, just buzz off
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