Hey!Ram,Anbe Sivam and Virumandi
Topic started by Source (@ cache210.156ce.maxonline.com.sg) on Fri Jan 30 11:47:03 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
"padmashri"KAMAL HAASAN has produced 3 Classic Movies at the turn of the century.
Hey Ram flopped at the Box-Office but to me its the greatest Tamil movie made. Oscar entry for India.
Anbe Sivam Average at the Box-Office.But Kamal message that Love is God is fantastic.Excellent movie Gunning for This years Indian National Awards.
Virumandi Looks likely to be a Super-Hit at the Box-Office.Kamal and co-stars Performance is brillant.Another Excellent movie.Songs are Good.
- From: , (@
on: Fri Jan 30 11:55:18 EST 2004
using this (@ cache210.156ce.maxonline.com.sg) IP address, u have opened many Kamal threads under, different name, y???, hero worship is it??
>>Kamal message that Love is God is fantastic<< WOW, is that kamal's message?, so all other billions of people in the world did not know that, wow!!, so basicaly, u need entertainers to put a message into your brains, WOW, keep it up.
Long live Tamilians,
Rather upset tamilain :((
- From: Tamizharasan (@ wwwgate31.motorola.com)
on: Fri Jan 30 12:50:41 EST 2004
very well said ,
We all know that Love is God. We do not need anyone to say that. For that matter we do not require Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha and gandhiji also. Because after all they taught the samething Love is god. ridiculous teaching by all. We know everything by ourselves, why do we require others to teach us all these stuff.
- From: viko (@ cache8.156ce.maxonline.com.sg)
on: Sat Jan 31 00:08:26 EST 2004
most people will agree that love is god but
not many pratice it
just look at the world now
so much violence
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