Paarthale Paravasam: What the????

Topic started by Jude (@ on Mon Nov 19 23:24:47 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Went to see PP recently with not much expectations (after reading the reviews and comments). When i got there i couldn't belive the crowd it was jam packed. I guess the movie had a lot of expecations: KB film, ar rahman music, hearthrob madhavan,comedy king vivek and beauties like simran and sneha. But even all this was not a good compromise for a good script. The major weakness was the script the movie dragged on and on. What was KB thinking? Who likes who? and the editing was going haywire- at one time i thought madhavan and sneha got married!!!!

Madhavan: Have to say this guys face speaks volume. He is surely gifted with an expressive face. Very natural acting. I was never a big fan before but after this movie he has won me over.

Simran: Oh Simi.....what has happened to you? She looks so pale and skinny and sickly in some parts.I thought her performance in 12B was great but i was greatly dissapointed when i saw her overacting here. At times i thought she was having fits when giving her lines. Especially the last scene even the bunch of guys at the back seats started to pass comments on her overacting.

Sneha: Definetly she is one of the best intro to tamil cinema. I think she is better then jothika. Very cute and preety. But unfortunatley not a good part. Dont even know why she is there?

Vivek:Man he rocks! His comedy is what keeps you in the cinema hall. He is the only comedian who can carry a film on his shoulder. Good one Vivek!

Music: What can i say a.r.r music is always good for me. I loved the audio. But when i watched the songs on screen something was missing. It didn't have any spark. I think the only directors who can do justice to a.r.r music is maniratnam and shankar.

Overall: The movie does have its momments but few. I dont know how it is doing in India? Most people when comming out said it was better then alavandan....i couldn't say because i haven't seen that movie.
I guess if you want to kill time go otherwise watch it on video.


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