Topic started by alexmathew (@ on Thu Sep 6 12:04:48 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I am a malayalee, an ardent fan of Maestro IR , but i find now a days while looking at the discussions at this forum that some people hate his music. I read the psting from one man who went on insulting him saying that the greatest thing that ARR did was to replace the most boring person from the industry. He also added that the age of Dabbangoothu music is over. I also read one posting which wished IR would go to beggars for composing further. Another said that IR is giving now only "BOX INSIDE HITS" reading all this , i am very much surprised and do feel so sad and doubtful about the taste of people. It is a fact that IR is not giving much hits now. But, is it true that he has given only "Dabbangoothu " ?? why tamilians are forgetting the wonderful melodies he composed , which are even now enjoyed even by malayalees like me?

I also like ARR's music and i do admit that he is the most sought after MD now. But, to praise him, y should one insult another , who worked for years tiredlessly for the tamil film industry , giving us most unforgettable melodies??

Is the opinion about IR's music very bad among tamilians now? Are all of them after the new trend of music only ? I would like to conduct a survey about this among my tamilian friends.

so , i request all of u , dear friends to actively participate in this discussion and post ur opinions



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