Is Rajni really a good personality?

Topic started by Vijay (@ on Mon Jan 27 06:29:39 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

kamal is a person who constantly invest in cinima.He dont posess a kalyana mandapam(rajni), or cinima thetre ( nagesh, sivaji) or college (vijayakant) like others.And all his films are doing low, recently.But rajni...He said he will give 1 crore to rivers join movement and it shows that he is capable to give 1crore, and it wont affect his pocket.Now he closed his Great people's movement.Still he has one crore(obviously many crores)

people in south tamilnadu suffering like anything and hungry deaths are increasing.Why can the superstar, aanmeeka annal, baba, everlasting hero, boxoffice king, and 34th gr8 indian personality, help those poor people.If he is that much good man , why cant he help people, from whom he got all his money?????

Situation is like this, and money flow is falling, in this time, namma wiggu thalayan superstar wants to do another film.He has money for that.What a good heart hmmm.


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