Topic started by Money Ratnam (@ on Mon Jul 2 12:53:28 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
In both these movies ..the director does not what what he wants to show to his audience(AI is like four diffent styles and the do not connect smoothly)..and ripping off from other movies..Speilberg is guilty of doing it several times
Citizen--stole parts from Indian (Hindustani) ,Gentleman etc
AI--stloe from D.A.R.Y.L, James Cameron's Abyss,Escape from LA and 2001 and Speilbergs old movies..
Another similarity is that if there is anything that saved the film to be a watchable movie is that the acting..Osments performance deserved to be watched and Ajit delivered an applaudable performance despite some simiarities to kamal