Topic started by aathipan (@ on Fri Oct 17 13:10:07 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Greeting.We are an editorial team based in Chennai. Our activities include writing and designing for cine magazine. We worked for a esteem SouthIndian Cine magazine . Now we started a magaine named LightsOn. We look forward to print and publish in your country.
About our magazine
"LightsOn" is a monthly, a south Indian bilingual cine entertainment magazine exclusively on Tamil cinema provides an entertaining, informative look at the film scene and matters of multi- interest. The magazine features film reviews, special reports, star bites, gossips, cine puzzles, hotspot, talk of the town, star secrets, success stories, flops, hits, betrayals, star tips, health & fitness, cookery, beauty tips, horoscope and jokes.The magazine quality is as North Indian cine magazine Filmfare. We will design and send you the final format by courrier.
Please find attached of our magazine detail.
According to our temrs and condition you can print and sell any number of copies. You can put any number of Ads. You have to pay for publishing rights.
for lightson team
Siva Aathipan