Questions about Tamil serials - Chithi and Annamalai

Topic started by ladyanfield (@ on Tue Sep 9 12:28:43 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

As I have been away in a foreign country for more than three years, I just managed to catch re-runs of Chithi through the local satellite tv channel.

I think Vijay Adhiraj is cute ;) - pity he is married! :( Seriously, I want to know who acted as Eswaran Pandian in Chitti. My mother and I were cracking our heads together but could not come up with an answer. Anyone know?

Also, which episode is Annamalai at in India? We are at the stage where Ulaganathan and Annamalai meet Karthigesan's kids (and "Anwar" has made his debut - yabba-dabba-do! :) :D ) and the really ugly, slimy, gross Sathappan is trying to con that dumb Patthalathar (I think he must have been dismissed from the army for being dumb). So what have you guys seen so far? And how many actors/actresses from Chithi are appearing in Annamalai?

Questions, questions, I know...but help a fellow Tamilian please! :D Thanks.


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