MALAYSIAN tv, Singapore TV, which is better
Topic started by mali (@ on Sun Nov 17 07:17:13 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hi, I'm from Singapore. I just wanna know which has better programmes. Malaysia, or Singapore. U guys actually got to watch Mitr My friend in malaysia, so lucky. We got boring films I have already watched.
- From: aravin (@
on: Tue Nov 26 07:36:47
hi frd, i'm also frm spore n i don't think our programs are that bored, we got our scv, our own channels, what else, gd n nice programs 4 young n old, you can watch any languge with english sub, whereelse in the other hand theirs is always in malay n with few channels, what we saw last week is what they brought next week, so be happy with what we have,
- From: Hans Gretel (@
on: Tue Nov 26 22:14:00
We just watched King and Run on Pay TV in Malaysia.
Scheduled for December are movies like Five Star.
- From: Ekam Satyam (@
on: Thu Nov 28 03:00:19
Let me tell you the situation over here in Malaysia. The worst TV station for Tamil is here in Msia. As far as entertainment (Indian) is concerned, importance and priority is given to Hindi language over here. The local TV stations air a lot of Hindi movies most of the time.
One Tamil movie is aired on TV2 only on Sunday afternoon. One Tamil movie is (split into two) aired on Wednesday & Thursday mornings on TV3. After the movies, occasionally a half an hour programme (songs, movie preview) is aired. On NTV7, Tamil entertainment is only on Sundays. First, a teleserial and then followed by a songs programme. After this, instead of a Tamil movie, a Hindi movie is aired. But Hindi movies are aired on Monday, Tuesday, Saturday & Sunday. Can you believe that on Saturday, there are 3 Hindi movies aired on the afternoon at the same time !?!? Thats it on local TV.
Then there is satellite channel called Astro Vaanavil. This is a subscriber-based channel. You have to pay money to view it. Only the name is a Tamil word. Tamil movies and programmes are aired regularly but there are also a lot of Hindi programmes taking up air time. Lot of Hindi movies, programmes, teleserials, shows, etc. A lot of the Tamil programmes are repeated very often. And there is an extra Showcase channel where you could pay extra money to view latest movies just completed its run cinemas. But there is only 1 Tamil movie and surprise, there are 2 Hindi movies.
For radio channels, there is Radio 6. It is available 24 hours a day. It is quite okay. Another one is THR Raaga. This one is a private station and Tamil slot is only from 10 am to 8 pm. Guess what follows after the Tamil slot
Hindi. But it suffers from poor Tamil diction and a lot of advertisiments. There are radio channels in Astro. One is for Hindi called India Beat and one for Tamil called Osai. They should do the same thing for TV channel like the radio channel for Astro.
This is the situation over here. You can imagine how it is over here. The reason for this Hindi fanaticism is because the Malay community is very fond of them. They love Hindi movies and songs (Bollywood).
It would be a great thing if Tamil TVs like Sun TV, Raj TV, Vijay TV, are available over here, or something is done to rectify all this problem.
Hope something would be done for the entertainment of Tamil people here in Malaysia.
on: Thu Nov 28 08:13:27
plzzzzzzzz FIGHT FOR UR RIGHTS malaysian TAMILS
- From: babiz (@
on: Sun Jun 1 02:19:26
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- From: babiz (@
on: Sun Jun 1 02:22:24 EDT 2003
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- From: leela (@
on: Sun Jun 1 21:41:03 EDT 2003
hi!!I m here to support Ekam Satyam as a malaysian...we have lousy tamil programmes in tamil movies doesn't have any priority at all....i think u guyz in singapore are very lucky people....u'll have many programmes to watch....not like us in malaysia...we have tried so many thing to fight back but too bad!!!!!i also hope that they will do something in malaysia....just imagine our situation in malaysia.....
- From: saint (@
on: Fri Jun 6 05:55:33 EDT 2003
F*** all those bas*** who disrespect other langauges ...... hope all those insane extremist better die rather spreading extremism.
- From: esmaeil (@ )
on: Sun Mar 21 22:56:03
In the name of god
At the firest as you know asia is the largest continent in the world.
This extent is expanding in all cul tural and historical facture of human.
Asia is origin goal of great religiaus, cirilization, scienceculiure, art
And a pmortal father for all asian in the differntages.
Asia,s country shining in the sky of history . if we call asia our mother country, it isnot far fram wisdom. Because all of our countries are on-
The asia and we are asian,s people.
Howerer there are a few that they know a bout this old father behaviour.
Then we should help eachother and company to end it. We shoud
Pleased the old father and our ancestor.
I had desianed a program of cul ture called( A NEW GLANSE TO OLD ASIA). It make program very special and in few process explaine the
Subject. This program is not only cut tural, but olso is economical and
Makes new jobs.
According this property I like this program protit in your country.
At the end I think:
I hope we can improve and expand this plan with your company and help.
- From: GUNA (Singapore) (@
on: Sat Mar 27 09:19:37 EST 2004
Hi Brother malaysians,Fight For your Rights!!! Take a petition among indians at least(100 ppl)with their signatures. send your petition personally to your M.I.C.chairman & another copy send to P.M office, third copy send to your local press(Forum Page).But the problem is who is going to do the Job!!!Remember "No Pain, No Gain"
- From: Leung ka wing (@
on: Thu May 20 07:08:51
Singapore is the best
- From: Leung ka wing (@
on: Thu May 20 07:09:20
is the
- From: Kavi (@
on: Thu May 20 09:32:55 EDT 2004
In Singapore, we have either malayalam, telegu, kanada or tamil movie on saturday afternoon. on same day night we have a full length tamil movie. on sunday afternoon we have one hindi movie in the afternoon. after that we have one tamil movie. on sundays we have a variety prog. on other days we hve imported serials, local talk shows & documentaries from 6pm - 9pm. we have a 24hrs tamil radio channel oli 96.8fm which i think is one of the best. on top of this we hve suntv on cable.
- From: camille (@
on: Thu May 20 13:07:28 EDT 2004
I can get THR on the internet but not Oli.
Dunno why the Melayus love the Northerners so much. Even my Indian friends are puzzled.
- From: quake (@
on: Thu May 20 17:29:12 EDT 2004
- From: Kavi (@
on: Thu May 20 21:14:41 EDT 2004
Camille, for Oli, u can go to and listen to them live.
- From: sinaporehasdetailsMorefoodlabs (@
on: Sat Jul 10 06:06:52
Food Labs
outbreaks on farms animals sores infections soils manures places then epedemics finally on tv after many sick said foot mouth problems
millions infected words newspapers schools places close more sores infectiouse around and cosmetics problems
june 10 april may list files around many millions newspaper back then there same words there and there epdemics fotmouth said news then time and levels growing
westfiled perth bad acts supermarket internet section food chain shares invest food companys not yet more still trying to sell
nsw sickness bus depot bad acts adverting city
from weeribe line sores
flemington person from there
many reports from medial perosn said that way from there
may june univerity of melbourne sores thats when melbourne secondary grammer some found out sport coach
had recant sores at grammer
latrobe problems skin
central mall staff sores prahran disease food again past signs now for sale more speek return prducts and samples annalise
more sores red large ones and staff there and more sores at st michales on train didnt know and skin peels st michales last month and sores others windsor again schools
swinburn sores again and cheff sickness past batchs said with child care many reports strange viruse there illness close kithens cantins utensils sooner spreading growing illness also same thinning body nsw universitys cinimars said hot bathcs sickness then footscray students more sickness and red sores then teachers lauths giggles on footscray billboard to selfs want work doesnat stop change ways same with frankston teachers giggles when found out whats a disease food labs text books cant teach dont know selfs learning that way more
clifton hill infectiouse sores past products as amount know coming
many sightings also other sores
secondary school what outbreaks with sores at homes glen and students found out more at univeristy there
more sores green jumper elwood school childern found out slowley gettings around
blisters at ripponlea e wick way and sores at glern ira grammer again and blaaclave sores didnt know again
redishs type sores cambewell on june 10th also
north brighton parnats sores type that side of brighton phamlets marrow bone iga brighton side window malice acts then
other side had sores at grammer and sickness there parants say bad ask also LHDG from the disease food labs reminder
knows I found out on radio viewers others dont know
plan of actions that way today bad persons at schools ready to do things and posters beef out ready that way
close schools catering sooner more coming dont consume any more disease food or labs links haveing fun attautude still
knowing coming from farms also and stoped news details knows going to that area schools still
them selfs stay alert same america in asia
sickness prep schools this week said that way
many reports that way shops places persons parants sores also
west gath to flemmington medical staff said many diseptrys and sickness nsw australia plan ahead soils dna
treatment with more and growing
blisters sores sandringham line
northcote and croxton sores and sores past said from
some sores ringwood 000 sent bad there saterlights tv try and make a movie in a dream is to selfs many still say dont read papers watch tv listen radio lies illusion words is to selfs
medias bad loop food labs mecial profesion trying to stop that way others find out close more places that way sooner as asked
knows infect plan money continues and attaudte when find out
sores green jumper elwood had sores and at ripponle blue jumper and green schools child said works at safways
all australia all colours identify schools simpler for treatment
motel skin elsternwick sores prep primary school child care problems find out again
livers kidneys as amount know organs melt down and skin flakes cosmetics labs and in body
words to about 10 or 12 green jumpers children secondary connex media upset dont tell servalance camers I did tell
said south australia comes from meat school person said yes and asia others ears tingle like to
beef sickness many few months back safeways and smell and small grocers beef sickness shops and resturnats piza also at the restrunats mene was beef mince and makes als piza and markets south melbourne sickness asain company later closed consumed then close
like this bathcs shares has to sell close for this company also to another companys now said
radio today words markets hows that usa uk markets back to farms waist food un used didnt sell also
have to sell shares
many reports so these also dont go to doctors kitchens and utensils guidance words for residentle kicthens still needed what to do
waist food places in time
residnetle sickness write down viruse in fluids bloods in time short live skin peels more also consuming more diseased food labs chemicals
june 14th area burnely richmond side silver beef coming
video buster store school beside red rooster sores type of sores is not many of around like
asmar not shaw from oils wipe side fo face eating signs say sore make up not recomended
has phamlet now not much news was sores cranbourne news
no need this for others start again all ready know
ringwood green jumper schools at doctors has beef news now clinic staff lady upset gave to there and to late knows
mictham sores to on june 2 week
cambewell sores
june 15 reported fair few sores from about 3 weeks ago at cranbourne
june 17 fair few with sores one or two large
and infectoiuse body sores older person training bag dark blue not shaw schools
bad plan acts contiue food companys medical profesion more bad acts that way and then media still stoping bad acts edu more schools and other places same still
clinics contaminations more close soon as knows planning still sterilesers recalls also instraments levels pluss
tonsules how about that and instraments now uk diary problems less clincis that way now also
may june ringwood few mictham type there type there and consumed the dots mixed same as farms
june 18th more sores excerbiton buildings city exams dint know outbreaks farms didnt wnat to know many with sors he is a phamlets some fod problems didnt want some has news there now treatment
june 20 market area shops said vomitng perosn there knows also and area shops there
type sores vomiting that way area and black jersy grammer school many sores
dark blue melbourne grammer sores and that type sores
outbreaks farms still secret
*schools learning diagnostics data base
june 18 many sores at exhebition building older studnets didnt know outbreaks what talkng about
and didnt want to know diseased food words whats that attatude was doing exams there
intime when more find out will change text books history and then this changes science schools text books
then in turn those who studies maths with labs food catering bioliogy chemistry cosmetics and then
changes social studies managements what to do say school text books and down to say first aid schools text books learning
in time when find out outbreaks diseased food labs contaminations places have to go back to schools or do short course
how read this I wiser now
need treatment kidneys livers skin births bloods fluids soils plant places fats solubles
disease many sores attaudet around and way of life mist things news a4 phamlets emails back then
take times news epdemics finaly said footmouth sores blisters foods labs consuming
june 17 still secret not one bit of news on the prouducts many reports still over seas also
* thermal ways thermal ways hz light hz optics Piston rods same cam bearing grov nar hotel ey
weight Hb learn sway swing \|)
example swing around
rainbow N S W E mix test paten colour mix flow hz colour mix to A w eight 8 transfer same hoist weight cables rain bow ways earth moveing garden nursery soils lawn mower attachmnets agrevator soils turn tools and rope tricks knotes try
*also amusement rides swings set designs -o- self sufiance parks light optics hz games in time
see saw go around up down set take load read brake on step in sit down more weight and around you go
small make own have elec gen motor also keep both makes other things by haveing reminder
light optics energy com b with horse poaer elec motors fields change to a patern needs for work takes load of armiture and grows elec pluss low rpms like ampridge hills lower the rpms load and grow hz output same again words
elec yallorn try this also millions tons coal for other things coal as explained still dont want also
*armiture its self is -o- shape hz around that way and field what if hz help turn self sufianct like weights measures this gives hz fields changed dna ways there hz
start again words breif not shaw there have to draw pictures flow hz fields do this
then need brake for hz swicthing ways change hz flow thunder D that way go with the flow now
Rainbow 8 files ways there breif drawings words sketchs start again there get a picture also there
heating rad rocl rock ly road toorak p ark ways tiville o
*co hz labs mix recipes all things new that way more work training things sorting placemnet atractions parting elements substances with colour hz types groups organics chain elo same like do this
n e w ph ones also Trumpet communroacations also for daylight havant said knighstoridge aqtrumpet phones ways at moment
aquite respratry resqraty quay sb ank stars ways galaxy
- saucer for cup plate catch light thererecycle back around y under xi light
galaxy light ways tunes to that venue go to seek some answers listen for news that ways
june 16 th tv food labs malice acts words paying pretends ameria infecting still and tv am fm radio giggles lauths with more diseased food labs problems
may june ringwood few mictham type there type there and consumed the dots mixed same as farms
june 18th more sores excerbiton buildings city exams dint know outbreaks farms didnt want to know many with sors he is a phamlets some fod problems didnt want some has news there now treatment
june 20 market sores vomiting that way area and black jersy grammer school many sores
dark blue melbourne grammer sores and that type sores
am fm radio giggles bad acts tv media shares upset found out
june 3week this viruse type telstra staff again sores type viruse in blood tv radio words knows also
noticed other Blemish redness problems same sone staff safways signs virus in blood systems h 5 news released poultry on farms was level few months again all autrali had porblems also on news after got you again alot of money back then and knows
and en em ic whith colour hz in body fluids bloods lost colour
june 29 epping eltham line and school more amd sores illness hurstbridge line and fair few sores elders and schools and type that way
more australia ask edu for details school administration media also same asia uk america 4c bad plan many know news letetrs many emails fax school write down answers when ask wiser to treatment also answers other dont yell reminder tv police milatry section and set up in country chemist problems malice acts continue also staff follow like sheep again with radio tv owners and textils take notes also
set up movies for yells and weapons and at schools filth acts as amount know learn way of life tell others bad acts dont yell reminder more sneeky
july 1st sydney snw sickness sweeping across sypmtons words for 3 years now 2001 outbreaks and evacts sickness clinics hospiatls schools and kicthens problems with fats oils solubles as knows also reminder
primary schools and secondary school sores elsternwick agains and type sore there gives you this said
tv radio edu upset found out why some stay alert close more schools sooner find out and consumed past produtcs
eldery redish flat type safeways eldery other types more seen managers no name tag not doint any recalls when find out still food companys gelatine emilas and gone from phones confectionary problems levels words groing over seas said delayed news
there has details telecoms bad acts to customers today supermarktes intercom servalnce change roms tv and counters said just transmitters parants fell alsep again for that one dont understand tell children others dont yell upset found out told staff more now didnt know same asia also students said if ask same anser edu govs media no comunications
parnats schools places
july 03 for those who dont get emails faxs details melbourne tv radio actors section food companys malice acts words farm plants contaminations high levels continue secret still bad plan reminder bad emails yellow pages
projects going around for treatment ways steps needs make this learn alittle
communications still stoping internet as many know now same over seas tv news less less more coming
australia phones redirect changed health food poisnings also changed for outbreaks place ring ask councils dont know words same ask your way
many have in pc folders outbreaks products for own research also try and keep some details for awhile with more coming as close sell
military police 000 braches staff changed person tv persons pretend police and other and more servalance schools shops amount have details
way of lifew due to secrets may help printers letter box helps when hear next one or details return tell others products
Note again
many reports slowery getting around country sickness types of sores past products waist food school leavers work force training as infect
split like still chose money set up own communications some how also
more sickness here or some ask what to do say tell others letter box set up communciations deliverys dont have to be sick time takes
july 3rd tv radio more malice acts words food labs message going around stay alert media shipping food shares medical profesion also sections
no treatment for those products change ways spreading more farms soils growing again high levels swifter
July 6th continues bad acts malice amounts dont know stoping news that way bad internret close sell infect contiues
at internet poultry avein words sprigvale hotels motels gameing deliverys from to there and deliverys and from there mapping in time
and due to many sickness vomitings and sores past products and infectiouse types showing
amount found this out so internet say some words to selfs soon in time all australia soils places avein and other to same levels high
commen sence with past bse other desisease in farms meats then outbreaks staticsi short lifes back then
july 10 food labs malice acts same again with child food supermarkets dont know epedemics also menu
food companys bad acts next ships products
saterelights internet studnet flight bad acts at internet chapel street again windsor owners internet tv saterlkights should know more sores illness food labs july 10 treatments for products and coming plan ahead bad communciations conflict interest also contiues
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