Topic started by cine (@ bbcache-15.singnet.com.sg) on Mon Jan 26 02:32:50 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Okay people, list me some of the best wild songs from ur favourities' list.

Mine are:
Baasha Paaru from Basha
Vethala Pota from Amaran was a bit wild
Ram Ram from Hey Ram
Yela Imaya Malai from Thavasi
Adadaa Adadaa from Pithamagan
Karumaathur Kaatukulle from Virumaandi
ViruViru maandi virumaandi from Virumaandi

These are some of the best wild songs from my favourities' list.
These songs which i chose as Wild, are chosen by its musical manner(wild music), and its lyrics(wild lyrics).

By concluding, i would say that the most wildest song i had ever heard till now is Karpagiragam Vittu Saamy.. from Virumaandi


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