vasul raja kamal take retirement
Topic started by ukw (@ on Tue Sep 21 03:02:29 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- From: Vasool Rajah (@
on: Thu Sep 23 02:05:28 EDT 2004
hey..come least kamal is doing his best and try to take different type of tamil movies than other actors..u want him to retire and let tamil movie industries to be flop like this...nonsense
- From: karthikkrishna.m (@
on: Tue Sep 28 09:20:29 EDT 2004
ukw why dont u fuk off man.kamal is the best there was,he is the best there is and he will be the best there ever will be.ok so u can just shut ur ass
- From: kp (@
on: Tue Sep 28 13:42:05 EDT 2004
Kamal has said in an interview that no one writes about his returning money to distributors. He has also said that he doesn seek publicity by blowing such things up. Then why does
he complain saying that No one writes about his returning money. Why does he want people to write about his returning money if he doesnt want publicity. He has also said that he has returned his own money. How can someone return someone else's money. If he sold it for
10 crores and the movie made business for only 8 crores then he must have returned 2 crores. If the movie did not run at all then he must have returned all money( unlikely). In all
cases, the money he returned was paid by distributors for the rights of the movie. Then why does he say " i have returned my money". Can he not say "i have returned money". Why stress
on "my money". Can someone explain???
- From: kp (@
on: Tue Sep 28 13:42:22 EDT 2004
He has talked about rajini indirectly. Coward. Can he not say this openly? He calls himself rajini's friend and keeps backstabbing him for publicity. Rajini returned the money. It was
the media which made a dog and pony show of it. Rajini had asked everyone not to write anything about him or his movies legally. But, media blew it up to make some money by using
rajini's name. Did he give an interview saying why he returned the money. Distributors arranged for a thanksgiving function after rajini returned their money. He only attended
the function which was held specially for him. If this is called publicity what would you call kamal attending each and every function held in TN and even bollywood. He attends all these
functions to hear people sing his praises (hymens) and for publicity. Every other week you open a magazine there is a kamal interview in it. What is this called?
- From: kp (@
on: Tue Sep 28 13:42:39 EDT 2004
Kamal cannot digest the special treatment that rajini receives from the media, public and the distributors. By backstabbing him and giving him back-handed compliments he tries to heal
his burnt back side. He is trying his level best to tarnish his image and present himself as a great humanbeing. He needs this very badly as people have started cursing him for marrying
women and divorcing them giving some silly reasons.
This is one cheap tactics that both kamal and sathyaraj have resorted to to remain in limelight and make money. They present actors who dream of making it big in politics as bad and present
themselves (those who dont have plans of indulging in politics) as good. attacking stars like rajini will help them to remain in limelight (esp. sathyaraj) and people will start singing
eulogies and accolades for them (actors who dont want to enter politics).
- From: kp (@
on: Tue Sep 28 13:42:56 EDT 2004
If rajini and vijayakant should not enter politics then these guys (kamal and sathyaraj) should stop saying who should not enter politics. Can they not leave it to the election commission to
decide who should enter politics and who should not. Are people of TN dumb?? Can they not decide who should win in politics?? Why should kamal and sathyaraj go about telling everyone that actors
shouldnt enter politics? This doesnt look like good will. It only looks like jealousy. They dont have enough support to make it big in politics and at the same time they dont want to face problems
that politicians encounter. So, They are jealous of people who have all this.
- From: kp (@
on: Tue Sep 28 13:43:13 EDT 2004
Whenever you ask them a question like " what about ex-cms and current cm of TN? they are also from cine world. The answer these actors give is very funny. They say that thos actors and actresses
were involved in politics for a long time and that they used to meet people regularly. Now, to be in politics for al ong time eveyone needs to start at some point. There is a beginning for everything.
Did MGR and Jaya have enough experience the first day they joined politics?? If they were in some political party doing some work before actively taking part in politics then that itself is being in politics.
That itself is a beginning. For someone to be in politics for a long time, they need to start at some stage. Kamal and sathyaraj say that other actors shouldnt enter politics and they dont have enough
experience. If they dont join politics how will they have experience??? Without joining politics why would they meet people????
- From: kp (@
on: Tue Sep 28 13:43:30 EDT 2004
Kamal and sathyaraj are scared that rajini or vkant will join politics and one of them may go ahead and becoem a CM straightaway. If this happens then that would be people's choice. Kamal and sathyaraj are
just 2 out of crores of people. Why should they say that actors shouldnt join politics. The reasons they give are absurd. No experience??? Without joining how to get experince...can someone tell me???
Kamal and sathyaraj are no different from other actors. They are selfish and very jealous of other actors. They comment on other actors because of jealousy and not because of any good will. Are people
of TN fools? why should these guys tell who should join politics and who shouldnt. On the day of voting, these guys are never seen outside. They fill their bellies and sleep without caring who comes to
power. Now, why should they comment on politics.
- From: kp (@
on: Tue Sep 28 13:43:55 EDT 2004
Another silly reason is that MGR and Jaya used to meet people before becoming CM. Now, when they started meeting people they were already in politics. Becoming CM was not in their hands, it was in the
hands of people.
Kamal and sathyaraj try to condesecend by bashing actors willing to enter politics. They litote actors like rajini and vkant to make themselves look superior.
But all of them are nothing but selfish & jealous ba......
- From: vikram (@
on: Tue Sep 28 15:39:25 EDT 2004
Super Analysis mapillai. Dhool Kelepatta
After Baba failure, Kamal said two thing again indirectly attacking Rajini
1) Nobody should make movies relying soley on fans
2)I do not smoke stylish on screen
3) On the day baba released, he donated his organs. Could not bear the hype Baba was tgebnerating Who wants his rotten organs anyway?
If thalivar smokes, you sexually deprived parasite bite heroines butt in the screen. What kind of maniac are you????
I feel sorry for Rajini beacause he thinks Kamal is his friend
All anti Rajini guys in the forum are like kamal itself. Speaking out of Ghandu
- From: karthikkrishna.m (@
on: Wed Sep 29 06:36:07 EDT 2004
hey these analysys by kp r false and dont believe it.kamal never commits himself to plitics or neither he gives comments on polititcs.rajini and kamal r truly good friends.dont try to spoil that
- From: anand (@
on: Mon Oct 4 14:06:19 EDT 2004
It is true that kamal takes potshots at rajini whenever possible which is totally unwarranted. Also, in a recent tamil meet at singapore, he has criticised tamilians in TN. He has also gone to the extent of saying that people of TN are feeling ashamed to talk in tamil, do not respect tamil etc.. When a person questioned him on this, he shouted back. That guy along with a few others left the auditorium.
It is high time kamal learns to control his tongue. Agreed, he is an intelligent actor & a popular one at that, but that does not give him the liberty to speak whatever he feels like.
- From: anand (@
on: Mon Oct 4 14:11:15 EDT 2004
Also, he has criticised other actors saying that they do not come on time to the sets, harass producers etc., He has no moral standing to say that. Everyone knows what a torrid time he gave to dhanu during aallavandan. Bharathan left devar magan halfway unable to tolerate him. Same was the case with sethumadhavan in Nammavar. Sibi malayail & priyadarshan were slated to direct guna & anbe sivam resptly but kamal's high handedness put them off.
Kamal should set his own house in order before passing comments on others.
- From: Dickson Rajini (@
on: Mon Oct 11 09:18:53 EDT 2004
ananda....u r a DIK..SO..NARRY... on Kamal..fantasdik !!!
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