Rajini's Forthcoming Movie
Topic started by ASUGAN (@ ce2.time.net.my) on Mon Sep 3 09:51:19 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Do anyone of you know what is the Rajini's forthcoming film? If you know, please share it with us...
- Old responses
- From: Indian (@ x130-65-37-145.sjsu.edu)
on: Tue Jul 27 16:53:58 EDT 2004
Well, atleast if Rajini's fans live up to that opinion that Anand has abt them (well, he thinks Rajini's fans are all indecent or street guys, as if this guy is the grandson of Tata or Birla), then atleast by now, they would have kicked all asses including RamDoss, Vijaykanth, Sarath Kumar etc etc, all the backbone-less idiots looking to gain popularity thru Rajini. But they din't do it, maybe that's why all these yesterday's rain mushrooms are still cropping up against Rajini.
Anand, please don't see yourself as a street-dog barking at the Sun from now on atleast..Take care buddy !!
- From: anand (@
on: Wed Jul 28 00:52:24 EDT 2004
Many thanks for your advice. However my experience tells me that all rajini fans (at least in this forum) write indecently. I have never denied rajini's popularity. I am only objecting to him being projected as some sort of messiah, saviour etc.,
I do not expect decency from U also. U can continue with your tirade.
If I don't like someone, I should get away. Is it? Then what are these forums for? Simply sing praises?
If someone criticises rajini, it does not mean it is for popularity. This is an absurd notion. I am not a politician or a film star. I am also not in the race for the "most popular hubber" in these forums. The fact is that rajini fans just have not been able to give rational explainations for his (in) actions & hence resoort to filthy langauge. That only shows their weakness. There is nothing to be proud of in this.
- From: shilpa (@ 202-177-160-196.sify.net)
on: Wed Jul 28 06:26:43 EDT 2004
rajini is a black ugly 'KANNADA' 'KANNADA 'guy.he is a f*ucker.
- From: Truth (@
on: Wed Jul 28 23:19:44 EDT 2004
Here is the confirmed news about RajiniKanth involvement with illegal stamp Paper scam money.
- From: Truth (@
on: Wed Jul 28 23:25:39 EDT 2004
Rajini Fans frustrated about him on Kumbakonam stand !
From: Kart Hick
Date: Wed Jul 28, 2004 10:26 am
Subject: Re: [Rajinidotcom] kumbakonam.
I am also fed with the happenings now a days . Rajini should have visited Kumbakonam last week itself. It is very sad to see that Rajini has not given any importance to the kumbakonam accident ,where as during the kidnapping of Raj kumar , he was always in Bangalore.For that too he has a reason that he is trying to save the lives of 1 lakh tamils in Karnataka as if we will keep quite in Tamil nadu .
Superstar should under stand that by mere uttering of Dialogue he would not become Icon in TN . One would become respectable only by his deeds in real Life and not by mere heroism on the film
- From: Truth (@
on: Wed Jul 28 23:26:42 EDT 2004
My mail may hurt every fans but it is a outburst of person who is also from Kumbakonam
Last but not least "It won't be nice if he visits Kumbakonam after two weeksof accident also".
Who is misguiding him ????
- From: stamp (@ )
on: Tue Aug 17 01:40:57
how is it?
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