Rajani - The money minded person

Topic started by RajaniFan (@ 210-210-34-36.lan.sify.net) on Thu Jul 18 13:36:01 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

All the Rajani movies are sold at very high prices. Now Baba is said to sold to very high price Rs 40 lakhs per print. So the theatre owners are going to fix the price as Rs 150 to Rs125 per ticket for first two weeks. Rs 100 for next four weeks
Rajani has millions of fans. But the majority of the people (Around 90%) are poor people. Many are daily wages surviving people. How his poor fans will see his movies. The media is projecting him as god. In his movies dialogues he will say i am for the poor people. I work for poor. All the poor are behind me etc etc etc. But in real life he sucks money from his Fans. Why cant he sell his money for affordable price (Rs 50). His movies are not spent in crores to be sold for high prices. Maximum of 10 crores will be spent for Baba. He wants to sell for 80 crores
Rajani is distributing himself Worldwide. Because he should get the major share of money.
This is the question of millions of Rajani Fans


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