Topic started by siver traib (@ on Mon Jul 14 18:54:52 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

To be honest, I don't watch much hindi films and and tamil movies aren't all that either (infact 90% of tamil movies suck)..

But Bollywood takes the 1st trophy for the biggest joke of an industry. Why I say that??

Check how may bollywood films that are released that just plain rip off from Hollywood.

I mean u have the usual formulatic masala offering. Then u have the big production bollywood films that are just copy of American films.

The recent one..Quartamet or something like that is an exact copy of the movie Rock..I mean the plot is all the same but they just add songs and little more romance.

Then a while ago they had hindi movies that rip off from Reservoir Dogs, Dragonfly, Ocean Eleven, and so forth..

Atleast tamil films are 85% original..Yes they can be very formulatic, over-melodramatic and shitty production values with shitty comedies..but at least they look like tamil films taken in a tamil setting..

I can't say that for bollywood films..They try too hard to look western and act american..


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