Fake titles of heroes

Topic started by Srini (@ 1cust163.tnt7.krk1.da.uu.net) on Sat Jul 24 20:16:49 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I always wonder why heroes give keep self-styled titles for themselves instead of others giving them one. Our thalivar Super star Rajinkanth is the only one who got a title from the public & truly deserves it. Look at some of the bufoons like "Supreme Star" Sarath Kumar, "Illaya Thalabathy" Vijay, "Ultimate star" Ajith, "Little Superstar" Simbhu. These 4 buffoons have titles named by themselves or their fathers who are film directors. Titles should be given by the public and not by themselves or their fathers. Phew!


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