Kamal's tv programs on pongal.

Topic started by VIJAY (@ on Mon Jan 13 00:33:22 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Happy pongal to all kamal fans,
The following are programs on tv, in pongal day.
sun - 9 am - kamalji's interview
sun - 9.30am - all newfilms review
sun - 5.30 evening - panchathanthiram film
vijay - afternoon 5.30 - anbesivam - kannottam
jaya - 5.30 evening - sujatha's book releasing program - kamalji speaks for few minits abt sujatha

here comes the superb program for pongal.....

ANBESIVAM release on all leading theatres!!!this is the highest priproty program than all!!!!

jan 18 evening- kamalji attending and giving a note abt 'tamil today' at bookfair.


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