Movie review in Chennaiwebs sucks!
Topic started by Richard (@ on Tue Nov 27 03:39:58 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Guys, did you all visited Chennaiweb b4? Don't you think the movie review corner, is a bit too much?
- From: Shridhar (@
on: Tue Nov 27 04:02:18
Hmmmm... whose that stupid webmaster for the Webpage, if they cant do a nice review then they can go to hell.. ** opss **, neway what the reason for the tupid kindof review still unclear because they mark stupidest picture as winner all the way but for the Great hardworking picture such as Ex. Parthale Paravasam and so on they mark is Damn squib and even Loser.. This is too much.. Need to respond to the Webmaster's to filter their review's..
- From: Richard (@
on: Tue Nov 27 04:07:49
Yeah, and the word's they used to describe the movies such as (Thavasi- 2 Vijaykanths for the price of one ticket,Paarthale Paravasam-A damp squib,Shahjahan -A loser all the way). For god sake, who employed this dumb webmaster. Well must be the dumb, Chennaiweb owner i think. ;p
- From: Vijay Raghavan (@
on: Tue Nov 27 15:20:19
I disagree. I think it is high time that these over paid stars are taken apart. Sure, the respective fans are going to get annoyed but I do not see any partiality in the reviews. The reviews at are also good. I am personally tired of reading diplomatic reviews and then getting fed up when watching the movie. The reviews have so far been proven to be accurate (I am not the owner of chennaiweb, so do not read too much into my comments).
- From: Richard (@
on: Tue Nov 27 23:15:05
Wonder, what's the feeling of the director as well as the actor's and actresses,who have their films being reviewed in Chennaiweb?
Damn angry for sure!
- From: vijay raghavan (@
on: Wed Nov 28 00:20:40
If they are angry, then, they should have make better films. What about the paying public. Won't they feel cheated if they read only good reviews and then get outraged when they see that the films are actually terrible. Reviewers should not hesitate to call a spade a spade. It is their duty to the public. Sure, they are not the last word in judging a film but at least one can get a perspective of the film is really about. U don't get that from reviews posted by other websites excepting
- From: Richard (@
on: Wed Nov 28 00:35:24
Vijay Raghavan, well we have to faced it.That's the cinema world!
- From: vijay raghavan (@
on: Wed Nov 28 08:31:42
Richard, If that is the cinema world, then the reviewers have every right to thrash these movies. I say three cheers to the chennaiweb team and sify team for the terrific work they are doing.
- From: Richard (@
on: Wed Nov 28 21:20:36
Hey, are you sure, you're not one of the team members? For me u sounds like one...
- From: Lynne Smith (@ )
on: Fri Dec 28 04:14:06
I quite agree with Chennaiweb's movie reviews. For e.g. Mumtaz getting away with flabs of fat hanging out of sync with music, Vijay pretending to act, Jothika bouncing around like a oversized ping ball, so far they have been calling a spade - a spade. Keep it up is all that I can say.
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