Shalini Ajith
Topic started by simi (@ on Thu Oct 16 05:00:27 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
How is she? no news about her. Better she should start to act in films. what do u people think?
- From: GhettoChick (@
on: Sat Oct 25 18:11:27 EDT 2003
shalini is a great actress and i think she should persue her acting career, despite the fact that Ajith doesn't want her to. How is it fair that he is acting and she isn't? Shalini is a very naturally beautiful tamil actress and shouldn't give up her acting career for anything!
- From: sushalini (@
on: Tue Oct 28 20:48:33 EST 2003
hey do ajith and shalini have a child??
PLz respond guys
- From: Villan (@
on: Wed Oct 29 03:23:04 EST 2003
No. I suspect with Ajith about his Manliness.
- From: shalu (@
on: Wed Oct 29 09:47:16 EST 2003
In my view Shaliny should start acting because she is a great actress it's not right that she stops acting for his husband because he's acting so why she can't act?
- From: Vanitha (@
on: Thu Oct 30 02:27:12 EST 2003
Ya its true dat shalini is a a naturally beautiful actress with no makeup,n she holds authentic classical indian features..ajith is lucky to get her taste!
- From: Vanmathi (@
on: Thu Oct 30 03:38:53 EST 2003
Ya its true dat shalini is a a naturally beautiful actress with no makeup,n she holds authentic classical indian features..ajith is lucky to get her taste!
- From: ramja (@ )
on: Wed Dec 17 06:25:59
shalini is a very young and beautiful actress. I want that she should act again. If she should stop acting then Ajith should also stop act. SHALINI IS BEST!
- From: ViJaY Rulz, no ones better than him! (@
on: Tue Dec 23 06:14:25 EST 2003
it been ages since thay have married an no one knows whether they hav any kids, how cum?
- From: ajithfan (@
on: Sun Dec 28 11:36:17 EST 2003
they do not have kids.. bt who the hell are u to suspect ajith' manliness, Mr. Villian!! If u're married, does it mean u've to have kids immediately?? They'd waiting for a better time to have kids.. Being in today's generation where people'd rather wait to have kids, u're pretty old and boring!
- From: aanalagan (@
on: Sun Dec 28 19:12:35 EST 2003
aithfan - What crap shi t is ajith doing to his movies nowadays?? the last movie which is appreciatable is his Mugavari and the rest after that are pure shi t!.He does not plan anything for the roles in the movies.Mr.Villian is right ajith has been shaving his moustache and acting like a ponnayan in his ajaneya
- From: Balashunmugam (@ )
on: Sun Jun 20 06:38:03
After Ajith married Shalini, he had never given even a successful movie. Ajith bas been pushed back even by the useless Simbu.
- From: sharmi (@
on: Mon Jun 28 10:42:27 EDT 2004
Ajith and shalini best couple and I think nest year they have kids best of luck.
- From: jkwgefgla (@
on: Tue Jul 6 18:57:50 EDT 2004
dont u guys know their in europe. its obvious that there spending every minute of their life f*****g each other's a***s and licking their p****'s.
on: Fri Jul 16 05:38:59 EDT 2004
Shalini sux... bigtime!!!
ma maid looks better dan her!
- From: mari (@
on: Sun Jul 18 12:03:04 EDT 2004
shalini is a great acter, she also is beatiful. I think she should start act again.
I don't understsnd why Ajith can keep acting, but not shalini
- From: Citizen (@
on: Mon Jul 26 11:54:56 EDT 2004
Hello!!!U pupil who dont like Ajith,pls stop complening.He is a good and a capable actor.Just appreciate what he is doing.Dont just commen only.
- From: thamizh (@ )
on: Wed Aug 25 06:28:37
ajith i am ur fan i like u very much but now a days u r not concentrate in film 's as another actors
- From: Barat krishna (@
on: Sat Aug 28 10:36:15 EDT 2004
shalini is really a great doubt in it.Continuing acting or not is her own wish.let us not interfere in it.But its sure that know one could not forget her even if she stops acting.If she had continued acting Tamil cinema by this time would got a national award for best actress performance after a long time ie after revathi,suhashini,sreedevi etc.Becos she is the only actress capable of getting a national award in tamil field now.let us wish her all succeess and luxeries.
- From: arun (@
on: Wed Sep 1 21:58:58 EDT 2004
ajith is the best, shalini was lucky to get him.
- From: ARUN (@
on: Wed Sep 1 22:05:42 EDT 2004
i like ajith even he was acting, he will one day,he shine like a super star. i will promise that.AJITH IS THE BEST.
- From: cs (@
on: Wed Sep 1 22:47:11 EDT 2004
Whats this funny thing you people are talking. If Husband is acting wife should act, If husband is not acting wife should not act, what is this justification???
Actually God has created Male and Female beings with different duties and responsibilities. If you see animals it would be very much clear, as they preserve the reality. I'am not against Woman working and taking up man's place... If the situation demands they should take the place of Man... But not otherwise, else the family will loose its charm....
Its up to Ajit and Shalini to decide whether she should act or not...
- From: Arun (@
on: Thu Sep 23 19:54:21
As mentioned by others Shalini stands out as an actress and also as a next door naturally beautifully girl. Given this we all want to see her act (i definitely do), hope she will reconsider her decision and Ajith will let her act..
Does she have any children by now ?
- From: millenium (@
on: Sat Oct 2 13:27:38 EDT 2004
hey you all people,why are u arguing about this all,shalini is a good actress.but she was pregnant,becoz of that she don want toact.
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