Topic started by Naagaz (@ on Sat Jun 23 22:38:33 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Whu can answer this questions????

1.If all the villegers r dead then how the hell did the old muslim man survive?????

2.What does the symbols on the letters mean????

3.Whu wrote the dead ppls name on the big container fund in the place the ppl were buried????

4.All the ppl were pushed into the deep sea!! But how the hell did the sea become land in a few years???? (they will dig up the bodies in a plain land...not under the sea!!!!)

5.Why the hell must ajit be a muslim in order to take revenge????

6.Why da hell must he study law???

7.What the hell did he dress up like a dracula for??

8.How the hell can he fly??????

9.where the hell was the CBI at the hearing in court in the last scene?????


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