What Happened to Nathia & Amala?
Topic started by tdk (@ c812689-a.stcla1.sfba.home.com) on Sat Mar 25 18:13:03 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I would appreciate info. I heard they were big stars in the 80's but I really haven't run across many of their movies.
- Old responses
- From: rinki (@
on: Sat Feb 8 11:14:44
She has a pretty face but is not that much of an actress.In some of her hindi movies she looked very disinterested in her work.Also her film dances were just about ok.I dont know about her stage dances though.There are far more talented actresses in the south like Revathy,Shobana ,Suhasini etc.
- From: Akila (@ ool-18bb23a3.dyn.optonline.net)
on: Thu Mar 27 14:33:04
well, may be amala has sensed many problems with her second marriage. but i have met her once at Hyderabad blue cross, she seems to be a very nice, beautiful person both from inside and outside to a great extent. This is because i has spent about 2 hours chatting with her. I too have her thoughts on animals.
if anyone has some of her tamil film snaps pl. do fwd them to me.
- From: Rinki (@
on: Mon Mar 31 09:11:33
Amala has not married twice.She is Nagarjuna's second wife.He ditched his wife to marry her.Her attitude on animals may be praise worthy. But it would have been better if she had shown the same kindness towards his first wife and not encouraged a casanova like Nagarjuna to leave his wife and kid.Anyway,she is paying the price as his flirtatious ways continues now also.
Amala was a pretty girl.Its a pity she didnot find a good man worthy of her.
- From: siri (@ dynamic-148-199.dorm.natpool.uc.edu)
on: Thu Jul 17 11:01:48
well, after reading all these discussions about Amala i think its fair enough on her part on what she is doing for her and her family.
as per my knowledge Nag got divorsed longtime back(even before he met Amala).Filmnagar sources say that his 1'st marriage was just a bondage of two big families (Akkineni's and Daggupati Ramanaidus).Both Nagarjuna and Venkatesh were close friends b4 they started acting in films.Finally when Nag and Amala met on sets of Movie Shiva, the fell in love and got married.So do u think that if a person had bad marriage has no right to fall in love again and get married? comeon folks how may things like this have not been happening around u.Since they are act in movies we are coming to know about them due to media.You really dont know what they went through.As far as Amala coming into Nags life, she seems to be very supportive and hey dont think this is going to be like KamalHassan and Sarika.
If she likes animals and want to protect them then i think its good as she has to find time for her Hubby and son.
She is doing a good job as a wife and for Blue Cross
Infact i'am not a big fan of her but i watched couple of movies where she was good.
F.Y.I : Nag did not ditch his 1'st wife for Amala
- From: rinki (@
on: Tue Jul 22 03:53:11 EDT 2003
If Nag did not ditch his first wife for Amala ,why did she gave an interview to "Savvy" in 1994 justifying her stand?Everyone knows Nag is a WOMANISER.How will a marriage be good if the husband sleeps around? A marriage is a marriage,you cant say marriage can be broken easily if it is an arranged marriage.Nag met Amala in 1987 when he was very much a husband and father of a baby boy.He divorced his wife in 1991.Check your facts before getting defensive.After marrying Amala he had an affair with actress Nagma.
Yes it may not go the Kamal Hassan Sarika way because Amala is a very clever woman and lacks dignity.She knew what he was all about.Probably actresses are an insecure lot and want to cling onto to any man they get.Nag's first wife is also not like Vani Ganapathy who will wash dirty linen in public.Also they do have a son together.But that does not mean Amala is an angel.You cant justify a married man falling in love with a girl just because his previous marriage was an arranged one.Nag is a well educated guy when he got married in 1984,so he knew what he was doing.
I too have friends in the telegu filmdom so I know what I am talking about.
- From: Anusmita (@
on: Tue Jul 22 04:09:26 EDT 2003
What do you mean by "just a bondage between two families" ? A marriage is a commitment meant to be honored.Was Nagarjuna a kid when he got married? Before marriage Amala was said to be involved with another married actor Rajnikant.Sure Nag is a huge star but that doesnot mean his faults can be covered up like that.How do you know his first marriage was bad? Are you related to Amala? A man having an extra marital affair always puts the blame on his wife saying "oh she was bad".
By the way,I too have read Amala's interviews where she justified herself but did admit that she and Nag were "good friends" when he was married to Lakshmi.Now which wife would like that?
Another interesting thing Amala said in an interview was "I dont think Nag and Venkatesh were ever that close " .Everyone knows they were close friends.....so why does she lie?
Time will say whether they will go the Kamal Hassan Sarika way or not.Earlier even Sarika was flying in air.
- From: Roshan (@
on: Tue Jul 22 06:47:02 EDT 2003
I think it is better to talk only about their perfromances rather than personal lives.
I like Amala more than Nathiya. Amala's performance in Fazil's "Katpoora mullai" was excellent. Amala performed in different kinds of roles whereas Nathiya was repeatedly given same type of roles. Nathiya's characters in poovE poochoodavaa and mangai oru gangai( lawyer character, ) were good.
- From: ~ (@
on: Tue Jul 22 07:06:28 EDT 2003
what happened to nathia then??
- From: Tina (@
on: Tue Jul 22 21:50:52 EDT 2003
Amala's Hindi movies were terrible.I have seen "Dayavan","Dost" "Jurrat" etc.She looked very disinterested in her work.
- From: Surabhi (@
on: Wed Jul 23 06:30:01 EDT 2003
Nagarjuna had an affair with Amala while he was still married to Dramanaidu's daughter.Everyone knows this.So its not true that Nag divorced his wife before he met Amala.Its ok for a divorced man to fall in love but when a man divorces his wife to marry another,its sad.
- From: Surabhi (@
on: Wed Jul 23 06:31:19 EDT 2003
Someone please tell more about Nathiya.
- From: Thamizhan (@
on: Wed Jul 23 12:13:47 EDT 2003
These ex-actresses will be very happy to see this thread as there are some people who still remember them.BTW in my opinion Amala is better than Nathia,I don't know abt Nathia,but amala has settled in hyderabad with her Actor Husband Nagarjuna.
- From: Jhanavi (@
on: Thu Jul 24 08:27:21 EDT 2003
People seem to remember Amala for all the wrong reasons,her personal life !!!
- From: jamaitte uslam (@ pool-68-161-65-198.ny325.east.verizon.net)
on: Tue Jul 29 00:16:18 EDT 2003
I think Amala is a hot piece of ass. Lucky bastar d Nagarjun. He must taken her from behind for months. What titties!!!!
- From: shoba (@ )
on: Wed Nov 5 16:13:20
he did not ditch his first wife for amala......his first wife was a horny lady....he had a bad marriage with her....there is nothing wrong with a man falling inlove with another woman if he is going through a bad marriage...he would anyway divorce his wife since he's going through a bad marriage.....and since it happened a little early people are making a big ruckus out of it
- From: preethi (@
on: Wed Nov 5 16:16:32 EST 2003
how can people just talk abt their personal lives without even knowing wat happened....just because they r celebrities they r tortured so much.....who knows wat happened in their lives...only they'll know
- From: Vanmathi (@
on: Thu Nov 6 00:42:30 EST 2003
Amala is beautiful bcos she is an irish+indian....so white,But Nathiya is an pure indian yet she is sooo beutiful despite her dark complexion.
- From: shakthivel (@ www3-de2.kis.keele.ac.uk)
on: Thu Dec 4 06:48:42
nathiya lives in london and she works for the bbc as a newsreader
- From: Rom (@
on: Mon Dec 8 19:31:02 EST 2003
I Really dont knows about in South indian movies recent actors. The actors I knows from who has worked in Bollywood films. Like Rajnikant, kaml Hassan, Nagarjuna, Chirnajeevi.
I bever know who natihiya, but I know Amala, She was in Dost with My favourate actor Mithun Chakraborty.
She look really preety, that the only film i have seen.
- From: aishwarya (@ cache122.156ce.maxonline.com.sg)
on: Tue Dec 16 23:29:25 EST 2003
nadiya is going to act in maniratnam's movie 'ayutah ezhuthu'
- From: Seema (@
on: Fri Dec 19 13:29:41 EST 2003
Hello Shoba,
What about Nag's affair with Nagma?Nagma admitted to it.Do you know his 1st wife personally?
- From: ... (@ pc101-209.lib.ucalgary.ca)
on: Fri Dec 19 22:52:34 EST 2003
i can't understand your logic... amala is beautiful BECAUSE she is irish-indian and nathiya is indian YET beautiful?????? and DESPITE her dark complexion??? typical indian mentality...
- From: Tina (@
on: Sat Dec 20 02:48:32 EST 2003
Nag's ex wife is a "horny" lady? What about Nag himself?Amala is forever defending his "womanizer" reputation.I really feel sorry for Amala.She has become so pale and thin.My sources in the industry says that he keeps cheating her !!!
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