alaipayuthe V minsara kanavu. Which is the best movie?
Topic started by sheila (@ on Thu Feb 13 01:13:01 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
to me i think both of the movies r very good and something different.
- From: Sweetie (@
on: Fri Feb 14 15:42:35
How on earth can u compare ALAI PAYUTHEY with Minsara Kanavu?! They're not even comparable! They are both great in their own ways but to compare them would be like comparing an apple and a banana. Get the point?
- From: Tamil (@
on: Thu Feb 20 08:34:58
Minsara kanavu says 'Don't keep a postman for your love',Alaipaayuthey says ' Love Marriage before the love actually matures ,will create problems'
I don't know how to compare these two,can the starter of thread can show a common plot between these two so that we can compare?
- From: sheila (@
on: Fri Feb 21 20:48:03
i m sorry..i myself cannot compare these both movies. both r superb...that is y i ask people's opinion abt these movies..
- From: Tamil (@
on: Sun Feb 23 05:02:58
It's ok sheila,
alai & minsara.. both are well made movies and definetely they stand way ahead many other romantic potboilers in tamil cinema.Minsara kanavu narrates its theme in a subtle way,the same is the case with alai,but minsara.. stops with the romantic content and ends up there.
But alai.. continues where anyother film will probably end,it explores the swinging emotions of shakthi after the marriage and goes on to say something which is usually out of scope for tamil cinema,'unless there is a perfect understanding in the couple,things won't be the same as before the marriage,before marriage it is a two-hour meeting/per day(or something of that sort),but now both are sharing their life and its burden,here only, the reality exposes itself outside ,and the fantasies associated with Love goes meaningless,both of them realise that marriage, in default is not a heaven ,it depends upon the way you understand each other and live, and that only decides whether it is a heaven or hell'
- From: Tamil (@
on: Sun Feb 23 05:06:38
Oh sorry, i left my conclusion(pls attach it with the previous one).In this way alaipaayuthey edges out Minsara kanavu.In other departments such as cinematography and music Alai stands ahead of Minsara kanavu.
- From: sheila (@
on: Tue Feb 25 03:51:26
thank u very much tamil 4 all ur opinion
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