wat do u guys think of us, tamil gurls??
Topic started by shalkini (@ toronto-ppp217112.sympatico.ca) on Sat Jul 5 20:34:43 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
hey guys!
i have a question, wat do u think of us tamil girls? do u like how we are and look or would u prefer a girl of another race?
plz give us ur opinion!
- Old responses
- From: shankar (@ mail.kentlib.co.uk)
on: Mon Mar 15 08:49:52 EST 2004
sorry about posting it 3times my computer is messed up
- From: vigitharan (@
on: Wed Mar 17 01:03:14 EST 2004
Yoo ..ppl what u think abt tamil gals and boys ahu ..fu[k u guys don'r be so mean cos they all look in da rite way ...cos it's all god deal so u better not to hurt anyone heart ..cos don't hurt any1 cos it's just Fu[kin stupid ...we all wanna have peace out here so stop saying that indian;s look fu[kin better den a srilanka gal
is not true cos dere a lot of diffrences i mean like u know dat we all have diffrent feeling s and lifes so ..we better not to go on others life or hurt them
- From: R a u j (@
on: Mon Mar 22 15:22:44 EST 2004
Tamil..Gals.. were not gals.., coz, they chased a tiger .. and also they burnt madurai.. so.. better say no to tamil gals..
- From: demitire perera (@ 180-219.242.81.adsl.skynet.be)
on: Thu Mar 25 19:23:37 EST 2004
f... all yall , who the f... is blabbering bout all this he said she said , all yall seem to be like a bunch of disposible sad assed losers lookin for someone to get down wit , poeple u want girls ? stop talkin bout em , get to the f..kin point , plus i as a srilanka buddist hate u ugly tamil whores , for real yo , u guys need some quality hours in a gym , work out those wobble ?? godd idea? sounds good , god damn u guys sound like a kentucky white trailer trash family f...in their own cousins , tamil f.. tamil or north indian ? and what the f... is going on with all this embracing of the indian culture in SL ? f... india, guys get a f...in grip on urself , plus u got beef to settle , then juz hit me back
- From: * LaNqTa ChiCk * (@ ool-435308e9.dyn.optonline.net)
on: Fri Apr 2 23:49:55 EST 2004
demitire perera
i soo damn agree wid u!!!
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