Can anyone explain why these films were commercially successful?

Topic started by Vijay (@ on Fri Nov 10 03:55:23 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Can anyone explain why the following films were commercially successful despite lacking substance?

Padaiyappa: Normally, when Rajnikanth acts in a movie, everyone expects it to be commercially successful, but the success of this movie is reported to have surprised even Rajnikanth. At least movies like Muthu and Thillu Muzhu had some sort of a storyline. Padaiyappa was like an insult to the intelligence of film-watchers. And yet it was one of the most successful movies ever.

Jeans: Actually, I am a fan of Shankar (I really liked his "Gentleman", "Indian" and "Mudhalvan"). But "Jeans" had a story that seemed to have been invented just to hold the various scenes together (as is done in Jackie Chan movies), and still this movie was a huge hit. Why?

Kandukondain Kandukondain: Again, there was nothing in this film to hold anyone's interest till the end, but somehow (don't ask me how) I managed to watch the movie. Again, this movie was one of the biggest hits in recent times. Why?

Alaipaiyuthey: A papery thin story, but this movie was reported to be a roaring success. What was so "refreshing"?

Rhythm: I don't know about the film, but I heard that sales of the audio cassettes/compact discs broke all records! Even fans of A R Rahman must admit that it was one of the worst collection of songs in films in recent times (especially "Haiyo Pathikichu")


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