Alavandan's dividied opinion

Topic started by Rakesh Kumar (@ on Mon Dec 3 02:06:45 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

This is a movie which people either hate or love. I, for one, loved it. I found plenty of inconsistencies in the script. As a matter of fact, performance-wise, everyone except Kamal and Raveena, sucks. But the film was meant to entertain. It has the word 'Commerce' written all over it. Unfortunately, Kamal's mistake was to assume that all the audience would have enough thinking capability to accept the entertainment value and forget the flaws. Hey, even geniusses like Hitchcock and Spielberg has flaws in their film. Why not, Kamal.

Its even hurting when such talented individual like Kamal gets criticised brutally merely on the fact that the critic is emotional, possibly jealous. Its humiliating to know that some things that the likes of Vijay and Prashant is thought to be a better performer, while personally I feel that this two has acting growth rate comparable to the likes of Vijayakanth and Ramarajan.

So, what do you guys think now?


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