KAUSALYA the most beautiful woman on the planet
Topic started by me (@ dialpool-210-214-7-154.maa.sify.net) on Fri Jan 18 13:02:31 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Kausalya is the most beautiful woman in the world.
don't any of u people think so?i have always wondered why she isn't more popular than she actualy is.she is the ideal indian beauty and she looks great in indian clothes(saree and flowers).and she has such a beautiful smile.can't any of u guys appreciate true beauty when u see it?where are all the kausalya fans??!!
- Old responses
- From: Jan (@ m111-mp1.cvx1-b.bir.dial.ntli.net)
on: Wed May 14 12:12:48 EDT 2003
she is sweet, but MEENa is themost beautiful, well she AND ASH, Meena has lovely eyes smile, can dance, has gracefulness and she has th brains as well she can speak, hindi, malayalam, telugu, kannada, tamil and english, and knowing her persoanally she is SO down to earrth, and her directors and co-stars love working w/ her!
Simran TTO is good, but the way she has an attitude and has not got gracefulness kinda puts me OFF her!
- From: Tamizharasan (@ wwwgate2.motorola.com)
on: Wed May 14 14:10:06 EDT 2003
Mr Jan
//hindi, malayalam, telugu, kannada, tamil and english, // Only these languages meena can speak?
Shame on you. do not restrict her knowledge only to these languages only because you have heard about these languages. There are many more languages she can speak apart from that, and the list is endless.
Vandhuttaanga pesurathukku
- From: Jan (@ m483-mp1.cvx1-a.bir.dial.ntli.net)
on: Fri May 16 12:30:40 EDT 2003
HEY MR! I know meena PERSOANLLY AND have spoken to her, yeah these are the languages I found out she spoke from her OFFICIAL web page which she did herself with the help of galatta, and WHY SHAME ON ME? She speaks the most language I know of any ACTRESS! PS I'm a gal
- From: Cine_fan (@ gicout5.gic.gi.com)
on: Fri May 16 14:20:22 EDT 2003
Hello Tamizharasan and Jan
Why are you fighting with each other. I am cousin to Meena. Meena officially speaks 757 languages which include our Tamil also. Unofficially she knows another 1032 languages and total of 1789 languages put together. But she does not have infinite knowledge as Tamizharasan said. She knows only 1789 languages, that is it.
- From: Jan (@ m380-mp1.cvx1-a.bir.dial.ntli.net)
on: Sat May 17 12:01:03 EDT 2003
WHATEVA! I did not say anything just simply stated a point! PLEASE FIGHTS ARE NOT MY SCENE!
- From: HE HEEE EEEEEEE (@ ppp-
on: Tue May 20 10:54:54 EDT 2003
- From: Jan (@ m121-mp1.cvx1-b.bir.dial.ntli.net)
on: Fri May 23 12:14:45 EDT 2003
- From: horny (@ sbproxy1.mystarhub.com.sg)
on: Wed Aug 20 05:15:16
I reasonly read on the papers that kausalya was going to reveal very much on her next comming movie with karthik.its called MUTHALLAM SUNNTHIPPIL.i'm waiting to see her reveal.i wsant to masterbate looking at that .
- From: @ (@ sbproxy1.mystarhub.com.sg)
on: Wed Aug 20 10:28:04 EDT 2003
it's so hard to criticize her! she is not the most beautiful woman i have seen... but she definitely has a charm... and she's probably one of the most decent actresses we have!
- From: Prakash (@ )
on: Sat Sep 20 10:44:15
I am a nudist living in coimbatore tamilnadu, any male/female intrested can contact me thru mail. Regards
- From: kausalyafan (@ )
on: Fri Dec 26 10:27:23
Does anyone know when her next movie is being released?
- From: siva (@ dialpool-210-214-190-197.maa.sify.net)
on: Wed Jun 30 02:15:16
hai i want to meet
- From: Raaj (@
on: Fri Jul 9 05:25:05 EDT 2004
She has statrted wearing her saree below her sexy thokkil.She is a real kundi maaan....Wait for her hot stuff upcoming.
- From: Agent X (@
on: Sun Jul 11 10:26:13 EDT 2004
There There people.
There are some who think Kovai Sarla is Sexy. A woman in this board said T.Rajendar is cute.
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