Tamil Titanic -

Topic started by sweetlankie (@ hse-mtl-ppp67743.qc.sympatico.ca) on Mon Jun 24 18:42:08 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

If the Titanic was made in Tamil:

10) There would be 10 times as many people on the ship.

9) There has to be a song with a girl dress like a whore singing in the rain(Deva's VOICE).

8) By the end of the movie the hero finds his mom, dad, sister and brother.

7) It's seven and half-hours long.

6) The movie would be called 'Kathal....' something.

5) Kate played by Simran, and Leonard Di' Caprio played by Rajini Kanth

4) The boat would sink, because there are too many people on it.

3) None of the people would float for long cause of the saris.

2) Vadivel would be The hero's friend( with his stupid jokes)

1) Wait a minute it was an Tamil movie if you think about it.


Can you imagine how many times we would hear "Naan oru tharam sonna 100 tharam sonna maathiri"!!!

PS: The hero, heroine, his mom, dad, sister and brother will float in the cold water for days and yet survive. The villain will drown in the first drops of water.

****I like to hear from you guys**


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