Topic started by Geetha (@ on Thu Oct 7 15:08:02 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I was going through some of this threads, Its really disgusting to see how people write and imagine. We all have mothers and siters. For a second, can you think about saying or talking bad things to our mothers ande sisters (REALLY IMAGINE THAT). Movies are just for entertainment, Don't mix movies up with real life. Actors and actress are doing their job, thats their career, like the rest of us. We all have jobs. So please stop this! I know i can't change people by this thread, worth a try, "right". I guess some people are broght up like that, can't blame. I think parents to be blamed for this. This hub is for fun discussion pnly, dont mislead this hub please. People all around the world come in here! So please think twice before typing. Thank you!