The Hallow [English : 1H40m : Fantasy-Horror (Creature Feature)]
Country : Ireland

Written & Directed by Corin Hardy
Cinematography : Martijn Van Broekhuizen ; Edited : Nick Emerson; Music : James Gosling; Sound Design : Steve Fanagan

A young couple, Adam & Claire, move to their Forest House with their new born child Finn. Ignoring the warnings from the localist, the family starts to explore and adapt to the new enviornment, when mysterious attacks claim their clamness. The family has to survive from their mysterious aggressors.

A Nightish Shyamalan setup works fantastically for the film-The Hallow. Corin Hardy has enhanced the 'fairy-tale' Horror quality with an excellent cast. And the major highlight of the film is the sound design & camera works. Coupling them both is the editing done excellently. James Gosling original score is spooky along with the shadows & dry trees which already look eerie. Everything is "on camera" effects, and that's a rarity these days. It was possible mainly beacuse Corin Hardy is a Visual Artists for films and he is currently working on The Crow Reboot.

Van Broekhuizen :
Lighting and camera-wise we made a couple of distinctive choices; how we would address the scene and work with the actors was another. We created a mixed light situation in which we made the exterior night a little bit more cyan to give it a bit more of a “fairytale” look, and we made the interior (practical) light very warm to create a big shift between the inside and the outside. The tungsten light, which plays a role with the creatures, had a very specific role throughout the film. (Shot with camera ALEXA).

The Hallow - Darkly Sacred